Worried About Rodents During the Pandemic?

Here in Las Vegas, pest infestations are a year-round problem. Rodents are one of the most common fall pest problems, and they have been made worse this year by the pandemic. When restaurants and bars closed down or limited operations, rodents suddenly found themselves without their typical source of food. This forced them to look elsewhere and to compete for the little resources available. Unfortunately, this has led to a direct increase in residential infestations. Rodents aren’t just a nuisance—they can be very dangerous if they infest your property. For this reason alone, it’s crucial to learn how to prevent them. This Rodent Awareness Week, the Western Exterminator team is sharing their top tips for rodent prevention.

Are Rats & Mice More Dangerous During COVID-19?

We all know rats and mice have been linked to a number of dangerous diseases, but what about COVID-19? Thankfully, there is no current evidence or research to show that rodents are transmitting the current strain (SARS-CoV-2) to humans. Here’s what we do know about rodents during the pandemic:

  • With the shelter in place orders, there have been a number of reported cases of rats and mice becoming more bold and rampant in the absence of food sources.
  • The surge in rodent activity leads to a bigger risk of infestations and rodent-spread issues.
  • They won’t COVID-19 to you or your family, but rodents still can spread other diseases including hantavirus, salmonellosis, and more.
  • Once inside your home, rodents can cause damage with their chewing and nesting habits.

Best Rodent Prevention Tips

The last thing you have time to deal with right now is a rodent infestation. Here are our top tips to keep them away during the pandemic:

  1. Store all food securely. Make sure all open food is sealed in tight-fitting containers with lids.
  2. Seal holes around pipes. Use caulk or wire wool to cover up gaps and openings near pipes and other openings.
  3. Cover vents. Install mesh screens on your vents. Also, consider installing screens on doors and windows.
  4. Use tight lids on trash cans. Rodents love to rummage in the garbage! If possible, keep your trash cans sealed.
  5. Protect eaves. Fix any damaged roofing and use wire mesh to seal gaps in your eaves.

Fall Rodent Infestations in Las Vegas

All year long, the team at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas is committed to protecting our customers from pest problems. This Rodent Awareness Week, we are shedding a light on the rise of rat infestations. If you need assistance protecting your property, our rodent exterminators can help. Contact us today to learn more!

Can I Get a Termite Infestation in the Fall or Winter?

Here in Las Vegas, we are used to dealing with all types of pests all year long. As much as we might wish termites were only a seasonal pest problem, they are active throughout the entire year. Termites famously swarm in the spring and summer, but can actually swarm all the way through October. Regardless of whether you see them swarming or not, termites are hard at work every month of the year. Colonies can grow at a constant rate, and damage from an infestation usually takes a year or two to actually show up in your property. Discovering termites in your property can happen any month of the year, which is why it’s so important to constantly protect your property from them.

Fall Termite Problems in Las Vegas

The queen termite will reproduce and lay eggs all year long, allowing the colony to grow at a constant rate. The more mature a colony is, the more damage can be made to your home. If you have an infestation festering in your property for more than two years, it is very likely to begin to notice the signs of damage, even in the fall and winter months.

If and when we have cold winter weather, termites will simply burrow further underground to stay warm. This is why it’s unlikely to see termites this time of year. However, it’s crucial to always be on the lookout for these wood-destroying pests and the damage they may be causing.

How Do You Look For Termites in Your Home?

Termites are infamous for being difficult to detect until you have a serious infestation. After a year or two of their activity, you will start to see some of the following signs of termites and their damage:

  • Mud tubes
  • Discarded swarmer wings
  • Termite frass (feces)
  • Drywall discoloration
  • Loose tiles or buckling floors
  • Bubbling or uneven paint on walls
  • Holes in drywall
  • Hollow-sounding or crumbling wood

Preventing Fall Termite Infestations

Preventing termites means being proactive about safeguarding your home against them all year long. This is best done with a professional termite exterminator such as Western Exterminator. We have a number of termite treatment options designed to keep you safe from an infestation ever starting in the first place. Contact us today to learn more!

Fall Rodent Infestation Prevention Tips

Here in Las Vegas, we don’t experience the drastic seasonal changes some parts of the country do. But that’s not to say we don’t experience seasonal pest problems! One of the most common pest infestations in the fall are rodents. Rats and mice alike will get indoors as soon as the temperature begins to dip. Once inside, they can cause a ruckus and spread potentially dangerous germs and disease. Here at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas, we understand how distressing a rodent infestation can be for you and your family. For that reason, we are here to share our top fall rodent infestation prevention tips.

Tips & Tricks to Prevent Rats & Mice

The key to rodent control is prevention. By making your property less attractive to the pests, you can effectively prevent an infestation. Our top tips include:

  1. Keep your yard trimmed and neat. Any trees or vines close to your home will welcome rats onto your roof.
  2. Store all food securely. Keep all open food in tight-fitting containers with lids.
  3. Seal cracks and crevices. Use caulk or wire wool to cover up gaps and openings near pipes and other openings.
  4. Cover vents. Install mesh screens on your vents. Also consider installing screens on doors and windows.
  5. Use tight lids on trash cans. Rodents love to rummage in the garbage! If possible, keep your trash cans sealed and stored.
  6. Cover and protect your eaves. Fix any damaged roofing and use wire mesh to seal gaps in your eaves.

How Dangerous are Fall Rodent Problems?

If you’re hearing rustling in the walls or gnawing noises, chances are you may have a rodent problem. For the most part, rats and mice will take shelter in the attic, basement, and garage. They also will infest kitchens, laundry rooms, and are highly likely to invade your trash cans if given the chance. A rat or mouse problem often begins when the rodents get in through your chimney, pipes, air vents, and more. With incisors that never stop growing, their chewing habits can be destructive. They also are known carriers of germs and bacteria that can cause disease. For this reason alone, it’s crucial to learn how to keep rodents away for good.

Rodent Prevention in the Fall Months

A rat or mouse infestation is bad news all around. As soon as you notice the signs of rodents in your property, or if you want to implement exclusion tactics, contact the rodent exterminators at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas.