Summer’s Coming! Insects Thrive in Extreme Desert Heat

Summer pests in Las Vegas - Western Exterminator of Las VegasEver wonder how insects survive the brutal summer temperatures in Las Vegas? In fact, many types of insects don’t only need warm temperatures to survive—hot weather helps them thrive! Many pests are less active in the winter, and rising temperatures typically signal the beginning of pest season. It goes without saying, then, that Las Vegas summers are ideal for a number of insects who enjoy the temperatures that reach well over 100 degrees on a daily basis. At Western Exterminator of Las Vegas, we want to help our neighbors learn which insects and pests are most common in our extreme desert heat.

Common Summertime Pests in Las Vegas

Higher temperatures encourage pests to breed more rapidly, especially when the warm season begins in the spring. This typically leads to an increase in insect population and a sped-up life cycle. Some of the pests and insects you’re likely to see more often in the summertime include:

  • Cockroaches
  • Scorpions
  • Wasps
  • Mosquitoes
  • Ants
  • Termites
  • Silverfish
  • Crickets

Bark Scorpions in the Summer

During the winter in Las Vegas, which sees surprisingly cold temperatures, bark scorpions enter into hibernation. While they are rarely seen between September and April, there’s still a chance to notice one or two. That said, the summer is their peak season. Because there are so many insects that thrive in the desert heat, bark scorpions are all the more likely to seek out areas full of them, including near or in your home. For this reason alone, it’s essential to receive regular pest control services that can prevent bark scorpions from finding reason to be near your home.

Preventing Summertime Pests in Las Vegas

If you live in Las Vegas, you probably already dread days that exceed 100 degrees, which are often. The abundance of insects and pests during this time of year doesn’t make it any better! Because these pests and insects are inevitable during this time of year, it’s important to enlist the help of a professional pest control company who can better prepare you for the onslaught of cockroaches, wasps, and bark scorpions during warm months. Western Exterminator of Las Vegas has more than 20 years of experience providing relief from pests in the summer throughout the valley—call us today to find out more about our prevention methods!

How Our Scorpion Control Methods Stand Out From the Rest

Bark Scorpion Exterminators in  Las Vegas Henderson NevadaAnyone living in Las Vegas is no stranger to bark scorpions. While the area is prone to many types of scorpions, the bark scorpion is known as the most poisonous type in the entire nation. Also known as Arizona bark scorpions, their venom can be extremely dangerous to anyone attacked by one of these fast-moving creatures. At Western Exterminator of Las Vegas, we know how frightening bark scorpions can be and are proud to be industry leaders in controlling them. Treating these dangerous pests requires specialized treatments and need to be handled in a professional manner.

The Dangers of Bark Scorpions

Unlike most types of scorpions, bark scorpions prefer to travel in packs of up to 30 members, making their presence all the more of a threat when found near homes. It’s important to take into account what precisely is so dangerous about bark scorpions:

  1. The venom possessed by bark scorpions is the most potent scorpion venom in North America.
  2. Although they aren’t aggressive and seek to avoid human contact altogether, people are still occasionally stung.
  3. When stung, symptoms often last for up to three days and may include severe pain, numbness in the affected limb, and convulsions. While rare, death has been a result of bark scorpion stings.
  4. Professional medical attention must always be sought immediately when stung by a bark scorpion.

When to Call a Professional Scorpion Exterminator

Although they prefer to be outside, bark scorpions can make their way inside your home through the tiniest of openings. If you see one bark scorpion in or near your home, it’s very likely there are more nearby. No matter what, it’s time to call a professional. It’s important to act quickly in order to keep them from spreading and to prevent putting yourself or your family in danger. A professional exterminator such as Western knows how to properly treat scorpions in or near your property.

How We Control and Prevent Bark Scorpions

With decades of experience treating and removing bark scorpions in the area, Western Exterminator of Las Vegas knows what it takes to properly handle these dangerous pests. Because scorpions don’t respond to normal pest control tactics, the Western specialists will work to apply exterior treatments to your home. In addition to inspecting the perimeter of your property, we will make suggestions about trimming bushes and vegetation back from the home and seek out cracks and crevices under your siding to look for entry points. Our prevention methods prove to keep bark scorpions away from your home, and we also have the tools and resources to control large populations in active infestations!

Everything You Need to Know About Centipedes in Las Vegas

House centipedes in the Las Vegas area can be prevented and controlled by Western Exterminator.As gross as the sight of a centipede may be, there’s little reason to fear them. Homes in the Las Vegas valley are most likely to harbor just two types of centipedes: the desert centipede and the house centipede. While neither are known to bite people, it’s important to learn the differences between the two, their habits, and how to prevent them in your home. Although they’re generally harmless, no one wants to deal with these creepy crawlers!

All About House Centipedes

House centipedes are, true to their name, the most common type of centipede found inside of homes. Like all centipedes, they are elongated, flattened insects with one pair of legs per body segment, which differs based on species and age. Adult house centipedes have 15 pairs of legs with their last pair nearly twice the length of their body, which is typically no more than 1½ inches long and a dirty yellow color. Some of their habits and behaviors include:

  • They feed on other common household insects such as silverfish, cockroaches, and spiders.
  • They prefer to live in cool, damp places and are thus frequently found in basements, crawlspaces, and bathtubs.
  • House centipedes move extremely quickly, but are not known to be aggressive or chase after people.
  • While they are not known to bite unless directly handled or threatened, their bite can be painful but won’t cause any serious side effects.

Identifying Desert Centipedes

Unlike the house centipede, desert centipedes are dark brown and color and can appear even more frightening, as they grow to be 4 to 6 inches in length. In addition to being one of the biggest centipedes homeowners may come across, they have a distinctive dark stripe running across the segments of their body, which is why they’re often called the tiger centipede. Additionally, desert centipedes are poisonous and are known to bite when threatened. While their bite is not very serious, it still needs to receive medical attention from a professional. If these centipedes make their way inside your home, they are likely hiding out in a damp, secluded area.

Preventing Centipedes in Your Home

Thankfully, centipedes are not common household insects and can be prevented and controlled fairly easily. There are a number of ways you can actively work to keep centipedes out of your home:

  1. Reduce moisture: Staying vigilant about fixing water pipes or leaky faucets can eliminate the preferred environment of centipedes as well as other pests.
  2. Eliminate clutter: Removing hiding spots for centipedes is a reliable way of making sure they can’t hide out in your home.
  3. Seal openings: Inspect the perimeter of your home and seal any cracks, holes, or openings to keep centipedes from getting inside
  4. Control other insects: Centipedes feed on other insects in the home and will thus appear when you have other insect problems.

Professional Centipede Control in Las Vegas

Let’s face it: No one wants to come across a centipede inside their home. Despite being rather harmless, they look frightening and move at a quick speed. If you believe you have a house or desert centipede inside your Las Vegas home, call the experts at Western Exterminator. We can help keep your property free of centipedes for good!

Are Yellow Jackets in Las Vegas Dangerous?

Yellow jackets can be dangerous in the Las Vegas area. Learn how Western Exterminator can protect you!Everyone learns at a young age that yellow jackets are not to be trifled with. Unfortunately, everyone comes in contact with them at some point or another, especially during the spring and summer in the Las Vegas area. Unlike other small stinging insects, yellow jackets have the ability to sting repeatedly, making their venom especially dangerous to those allergic to the flying insect.

How to Identify Yellow Jackets

Because some types of stinging insects are more dangerous than others, it’s important to learn how yellow jackets differ from bumble bees, honey bees, hornets, paper wasps, and more. Some of the identifying characteristics of yellow jackets include:

  • They are typically between ⅜ and ⅝ of an inch, are yellow and black in color, and have a thinner waist than bees.
  • Yellow jackets prefer to nest on or near the ground and have nests made of paper carton.
  • They are known to be especially aggressive when defending their nest or population.

Why are There Yellow Jackets Near my Home?

Yellow jackets are known to be attracted to nectar or other sugary liquids, which is why they’re frequently found flying around outdoor trash cans, plants, and food. If your Las Vegas home has a lot of flowers outside or if you’re in the habit of leaving the lids of trash cans open, you’re likely no stranger to seeing yellow jackets each and every year as warm weather approaches. Other common attractants for yellow jackets include pet food, fruit trees or fallen fruit, and even other insects such as caterpillars, spiders, and flies.

Are Yellow Jackets Harmful?

It’s always best to err on the side of caution when you witness a yellow jacket in or near your home. When threatened or seeking out sources of food, they have been known to chase and hover around their victim. As mentioned previously, yellow jackets do not lose their stinger after one attack as some other stinging insects do; instead, they are capable of repeatedly stinging and their stings are known to be painful. While a couple of stings aren’t harmful to most people, anyone allergic to yellow jackets may be in extreme danger if stung and must immediately seek medical attention.

Yellow Jacket Prevention Tips

The best way to control yellow jackets during the spring and summer in Las Vegas is by preventing them from being attracted to your home in the first place. To keep yellow jackets away from your property, make sure to implement some of the following tips.

  1. Remove or maintain their sources of food, including other insects, nectar-filled flowers, fruit trees, and more.
  2. Cover trash cans with tight-fitting lids and do not leave food, drinks, or garbage out.
  3. Have any nests or suspected nests removed promptly by a professional pest control company.
  4. Keep a clean, tidy yard and remove debris that could attribute to the establishment of nests.

Professional Yellow Jacket Control

At Western Exterminator, we know how scary yellow jackets can be, especially if you or a family member are allergic to their sting. It is absolutely essential to call a professional when dealing with a yellow jacket infestation, as trying to remove a nest yourself can lead to a disastrous outcome. The experts at Western Exterminator can be trusted to promptly and reliably remove yellow jackets from your property; give us a call today to learn more!

Cockroach or Water Bug? How to Spot the Difference

Western Exterminator provides information on American cockroaches in the Las Vegas valley.Some species of cockroaches, especially the American cockroach, are often mistaken for water bugs, and it’s easy to see why. Water bugs share many of the same physical characteristics as cockroaches, but there are key differences between the two insects that are important to take into account. Cockroaches are unfortunately quite common in the Las Vegas area, with four species in particular being the most common: American, brown-banded, German, and oriental cockroaches.

American Cockroaches vs. Water Bugs

Western Exterminator provides information on brown-banded cockroaches in the Las Vegas valley.American cockroaches are the type most commonly misidentified as water bugs. While both the American cockroach and the water bug are reddish-brown in color, their similarities stop there. Water bugs are typically larger than cockroaches (2 or more inches), prefer to be in the water, and are avid hunters that subdue their prey with a powerful enzyme. American cockroaches, on the other hand, will eat anything they come across and are not hunters by nature; in fact, they are known to be shy pests that will scamper and never bite people. The main difference between these two is the conclusion that cockroaches are pests that can carry diseases and germs, while water bugs are not considered to be pests.

Common Las Vegas Cockroaches

Western Exterminator provides information on German cockroaches in Las Vegas.In addition to the American cockroach, there are three other types that are frequently seen in the Las Vegas area: brown-banded, German, and Oriental cockroaches. Some of their identifying characteristics and habits are as follows:

  1. Brown-banded cockroaches: True to their name, this species possess two light-colored bands across their bodies that helps identify them. They can fly, prefer warm but dry habitats, and are often found inside furniture, panties, cabinets, and more.
  2. German cockroaches: The most common type of roach, these are often light brown or tan in color and, although they have wings, do not fly. For the most part, they are active at night and hide in cracks or crevices during the day.
  3. Western Exterminator provides information on oriental cockroaches in the Las Vegas valley.Oriental cockroaches: This type of cockroach is nearly black in color with a shiny exterior, making them look much different from other cockroaches. Also often called water bugs, they prefer to live in sewers or other damp, dark areas.

Finding a Cockroach or Water Bug in Your House

It’s easy to see why cockroaches and water bugs are so commonly confused. That said, water bugs rarely enter homes due to their preference for water habitats, so it’s likely you have seen a cockroach. If you see one or more of either of these insects in your Las Vegas home, it may be best to call a professional pest control company who can determine whether or not you have a pest infestation. Cockroaches are pesky pests that carry a number of harmful diseases and bacteria, and water bugs have been known to bite if or when they are handled. Either way, letting a professional such as Rentokil handle the situation for you is always the best route. Give us a call today to learn more about our cockroach control methods!

Why is Professional Pest Control Necessary?

Western Exterminator provides professional pest control services in the Las Vegas area.When it comes to pest control, many people make the decision to take matters into their own hands for preventing and even controlling or eliminating pests. It’s understandable why homeowners may hope to save money, but investing in professional pest control can actually save you from the high costs of infestations down the road. Bottom line, pest control is always best handled by a certified pest control company for a number of reasons. In honor of National Pest Management Month, we’ve outlined the top reasons why professional pest control is necessary for all homeowners in the Las Vegas area.

DIY Pest Control Methods Only Go So Far

DIY pest control methods are often hit-or-miss, and don’t provide the reliable, lasting results accomplished by professional treatment. At-home treatments may seem tempting, but will often fall short in the following ways:

  • Store-bought treatments are not as productive as professional treatments in effectively removing or preventing all pests, especially with large infestations.
  • Store-bought products often contain chemicals that could potentially cause harm to humans, pets, or plants if not used properly.
  • All-natural methods administered by homeowners may aid in preventing pests, but rarely can be used to control or exterminate an active infestation.

The Benefits of Professional Pest Control

One of the biggest benefits of enlisting the help of a professional pest control company is receiving regular inspections at least once a year. With regular preventative services by a professional, you can effectively reduce the risks of getting an infestation down the road. In addition to providing regular services and effective treatments, some of the benefits of enlisting the help of a certified pest control company include:

  1. Professional companies have access to the best treatments available at better prices.
  2. An experienced technician can quickly identify and treat the problem, taking the guesswork out of your hands.
  3. All risk of applying treatment yourself is removed when you hire an expert to do it for you.
  4. A certified pest control company can not only treat active infestations, but help identify and eliminate factors that may contribute to future ones.
  5. The cost of investing in proper prevention and treatment is often less than the costs associated with repairing damage caused by an infestation.

Professional Las Vegas Pest Control

Controlling active infestations and preventing future ones is a task best handled by a licensed, certified pest control company. At Rentokil, we pride ourselves on providing Las Vegas valley residents with commercial and residential pest control, including pest inspections, evaluations, and treatments. To learn more about our services, call us today!

Do Sugar Ants Bite?

Sugar ants are notoriously difficult to get rid of in the Las Vegas valley. Call Western Exterminator to learn more!Odorous house ants can quickly become a big problem for any Las Vegas homeowner. Due to their preference for food with a high sugar and protein content, this species is most commonly referred to as sugar ants. These house ants do not bite or sting people nor do they pose any serious health risks to humans or pets. Their danger lies in the fact that sugar ant populations can grow out of proportion and are notorious for being difficult to control.

Sugar Ant Identification

Sugar ants are either black or brown in color, grow to no more than ⅛ inch in length, and, true to their other name, emit a strong odor when smashed. They have a segmented waist and lack the apparent node or bump on their body that many other ants possess. Odorous house ants do not have a stinger, further proving that they are not capable of hurting humans. Sugar ant colonies tend to be quite large and often involve multiple nests, which is why it can take some time to completely eliminate them from a home.

What Attracts Odorous House Ants?

It can be extremely frustrating for any homeowner to realize they have an ant infestation, so understanding why they’ve invaded your home is of the essence.

  • While sugar ants are attracted to sweets and a variety of sugary foods, they also consume fats, proteins, and plant pollen.
  • Odorous house ants have up to five times more odor receptors than other insects, meaning they’re likely tempted by the smells of food in your home.
  • Ants are always searching for food, which is why they’re commonly in your kitchen feasting on crumbs, unsealed food, fruit, garbage, and more.

Preventing Sugar Ants in Your Las Vegas Home

As with many pests, prevention is the best form of sugar ant control. While staying vigilant about properly storing your food will certainly work to help keep ants away, you can take it one step further by limiting the ways in which ants can make their way inside your home. To keep ants out of your Las Vegas property, you should instill the following preventative measures outside your home:

  1. Remove piles of lumber or bricks outside that may serve as a nesting site.
  2. Locate and seal any and all cracks in the exterior of your property.
  3. Keep your landscaped yard tidy by trimming back trees and shrubs so they do not reach your home.
  4. Make sure garbage cans both inside and outside of the home are properly sealed.

Professional Sugar Ant Removal

Sugar ants can be quite tricky to get rid of and almost always require professional help. At Western Exterminator, we are dedicated to helping our customers stay ant-free year-round; give us a call today!

5 Springtime Pests in the Las Vegas Valley

It’s officially the first day of spring here in Las Vegas, meaning warmer weather is headed our way. Increasing temperatures and rainy weather in the springtime encourage a variety of insects and pests to emerge after spending most of the winter in a dormant state. The best way to prepare for spring pests is to know what types you should expect to see as spring progresses. The top 5 springtime pests in the Las Vegas Valley are as follows:

Bark Scorpions in Las Vegas

Bark Scorpion Exterminators Las Vegas Henderson NevadaNot only is the bark scorpion the most common scorpion in the nation, it is also the most venomous and will attack if threatened. A few things to remember about bark scorpions include:

  • They are tan in color, have 8 legs, grow up to 3 inches in length, and have a thin tail with a curved stinger.
  • Bark scorpions prefer to make their home under rocks, in crevices, and in trees outdoors. Inside, they can be found trapped in sinks or bathtubs when not climbing walls.
  • Their sting is highly venomous and should be considered a serious health risk that should be attended to by a medical professional as soon as possible.

The Prevalence of Sugar Ants

odorous house ant sugar ant exterminators Las Vegas NV Henderson Paradise NevadaAlso known as odorous house ants, sugar ant infestations are notoriously difficult to manage. Sugar ants are either black or brown in color, grow to no more than 1/8″, and, true to their name, emit a strong odor when smashed. While sugar ants don’t pose a serious health risk, it’s important to know the following facts:

  • They are capable of contaminating food in your home as they forage.
  • Odorous house ants do not bite people.
  • They are known to be one of the most difficult pests to eliminate.

Africanized Honey Bee Facts

Africanized Honey Bee removal and control Las Vegas Nevada Henderson Paradise NVAfricanized honey bees are a hybrid species of the western honey bee, and they are frequently found in the Las Vegas area. A few facts to remember about Africanized honey bees include:

  • Often known as “killer bees”, these bees are fiercely aggressive and known to attack anyone they feel threatened by.
  • They closely resemble European honey bees, but their aggression makes them stand out as more dangerous.
  • Nests can be found anywhere and everywhere around your home, often in places common to human activity.

The American Cockroach Dilemma

american cockroach exterminators and pest control las vegas paradise NevadaAmerican cockroaches are large red-brown roaches in the southwest, and adults can grow to be 1½ inches in length. American cockroaches exhibit some of the following behaviors that separate them from other types of cockroaches:

  • They are found in large numbers in restaurants, family homes, and hospitals.
  • American cockroaches do not cause structural damage but can contaminate food and can be vectors of disease as they carry around germs and bacteria.
  • They can be extremely difficult to get rid of especially when the infestation is large.

All About Roof Rats

roof rat exterminators control and removal companies Las Vegas Henderson Paradise NV NevadaRoof rats are smaller than Norway rats, but possess a longer tail and bigger ears. True to their name, roof rats nest in high areas such as trees or attic spaces. Some of the threats of roof rats include:

  • They have a fast reproduction rate.
  • They are carriers for a variety of diseases and bacteria.
  • Roof rats can quickly damage their environment by chewing through wires, wood, and food, leaving destruction in their wake.

Professional Help With Springtime Pests

If you notice any of the aforementioned pests this spring, it’s smart to call a professional who can check for signs of nests and populations. At Western Exterminator, we are dedicated to helping our customers stay pest-free throughout every season.

Subterranean Termites in the Las Vegas Valley

Western Exterminator provides protection from western subterranean termites in the Las Vegas valley.Although termites are not especially prevalent in the Las Vegas valley, the western subterranean termite is the most prominent and most likely to infest your home. Subterranean termites are infamous for causing extensive structural damage in thousands of homes across the nation each year. This type of termite nests in the ground and constructs tunnels of mud tubes that allow them access into a home. Although they are fervent feeders, they tend to be picky and prefer to chew on soft wood found between the wood grains. Western subterranean termites are most often found developed areas and prefer warm climates, putting your Las Vegas home at risk throughout the entire year.

How To Identify the Western Subterranean Termite

Western subterranean termites have several identifying characteristics that set them apart from other types of termites:

  • Workers have soft, translucent bodies that are only about 1/8″ long and wingless.
  • Soldiers are orange in color and have a rectangular head with visible mandibles.
  • Swarmers or alates have brown-gray wings, are about 3/8″ long, and have dark bodies.

Subterranean Termite Threats

As mentioned previously, subterranean termites are infamous for causing the most damage to homes across the nation each year. Their large population size, insatiable appetite, and strong mandibles enable them to cause irreparable damage to structures a bit more quickly than other types of termites. They are known to feed on wood sources inside your home and even the insulation in your walls so long as they have access to soil. Their damaging nature lies in the fact that these infestations can go on for years without being noticed, by which time extensive destruction could be done.

Preventing a Termite Infestation in Las Vegas

Even though termites aren’t a huge problem in Las Vegas, it’s still extremely important to take the necessary steps to prevent termites from infesting your home. A few ways to keep termites away from your property include:

  • Eliminate sources of standing water in or near the home as well as any moisture problems, such as a leaky faucet or broken water pipe.
  • Ensure your yard has good drainage, avoid excess mulch, and clean out gutters regularly.
  • Be cautious of areas in the home where wood is in contact with soil.
  • Keep piles of lumber or firewood away from the foundation of your home, and eliminate any sources of decaying lumber.
  • Regularly inspect your deck, patio, or outdoor furniture for signs of damage.
  • Remove dead trees and branches from areas surrounding your yard.

Professional Help for Western Subterranean Termites

It’s important to protect your Las Vegas home from all pests, including termites. If you’d like more information on how to prevent western subterranean termites from invading your home, give the experts at Rentokil a call today!

Springtails: What Are They and How do You Prevent Them?

Springtail bugs may not cause any harm but can be a nuisance in the Las Vegas area. Western Exterminator provides professional springtail control.Springtails are minuscule insects that are often mistaken for fleas due to their size and habit of hopping around. As their name suggests, they have a catapult-like body part on their underside known as the furcula, which enables them to jump short distances. Springtails are wingless, have a gray-purple body, and only grow to be about 1/16 of an inch long, making them notoriously difficult to spot. These tiny insects are attracted to moisture, which is why they’re most often seen in Las Vegas during the spring and summer seeking out damp environments.

How Did I Get Springtails?

In their preferred outdoor environment, springtails frequent damp soil, decaying straw, rotting leaves, and other wet environments. Over-watering your lawn or yard is a sure way to fall victim to a springtail infestation. Although they prefer to live outside, springtail bugs have been known to enter homes with moisture problems. Once inside, springtails will most often be found in basements, bathrooms, kitchen areas, attics, damp wall voids, houseplant soil, and anywhere mold or mildew is present.

Are Springtail Bugs Harmful?

There is little to no reason to fear springtails. They do not cause humans or pets any harm, and are not known to sting, bite, or transmit any diseases. Furthermore, they cause very little damage and would only perhaps cause a bit of destruction to plants inside the home. That said, springtails reproduce rapidly and a population can grow to alarmingly large numbers. Their danger lies in the fact that there can be thousands of these tiny creatures happily taking up residence in your home, making it seem like a much worse situation than it truly is.

What Can I Do to Prevent Springtails?

Luckily, preventing and getting rid of springtails is rather simple. It all comes down to eliminating their source of survival: moisture. If they do not have a damp environment to live in, these tiny bugs will die off quickly. Some of the ways you can actively reduce your chance of getting springtails inside your home include:

  • Reduce excess moisture in the home by promptly fixing any leaky faucets or pipes.
  • Check your basement, attic, or crawl spaces for standing water.
  • Don’t over-water any houseplants in your living areas.
  • Make sure to use a proper vent or fan in the bathroom to reduce humidity, and consider using a dehumidifier in damp locations.
  • Eliminate mold or mildew in or around the home in a timely fashion.

Professional Help for Springtail Removal

If your prevention methods have failed to keep springtail bugs away from your home, it may be best to contact a professional pest control company, such as Rentokil. Our experts can help eliminate springtails and keep them from ever infesting your home again!