Homeowner’s Guide to Keeping Spiders Out

Homeowner's guide to keeping spiders out of Las Vegas NV homes - Western Exterminator of Las VegasWhile seeing spiders is a normal part of daily life throughout the entire year, they are especially abundant in the fall months. Every year when temperatures begin to drop, spiders start to move inside of homes for shelter and in search of a mate. As with most pests, spiders dislike cooler weather and are attracted to the dark, warm areas easily found inside of homes. Although most species won’t cause harm, no homeowner want a spider infestation. Thankfully, there are a number of ways you can prevent spiders from getting inside of your property in the first place. Read on for Rentokil’s top spider prevention tips for this fall and all year long.

What are Spiders Attracted To?

Like any pest, spiders are driven indoors for survival-based reasons. Some of the things inside your property that spiders may be attracted to include: 

  • Food: If you have other types of insects inside your home due to leaving out food or messes, spiders will appear to feed on those insects.
  • Clutter: Piles of debris, clothes, garbage, or anything else are the perfect hiding spots for spiders.
  • Warmth & darkness: Darker, warm areas of the home are sought out by spiders.

How to Spider-Proof Your Home

Except for black widows and desert brown spiders, most spiders are harmless and not aggressive. That said, no one wants to deal with an excess of spiders in their home, no matter what type they are! Successfully keeping spiders out of your home requires the same efforts needed for all types of pest control:

  1. Locate and seal any potential entry points for spiders. This includes patching up holes, cracks, crevices, and the like in your windows, doors, and more.
  2. Always inspect old boxes or pieces of furniture for spiders before bringing them indoors in case spiders are lurking.
  3. Keep a tidy home. As mentioned previously, clutter and messes provide ample shelter for spiders.
  4. Take proper care of your lawn and landscape. Untrimmed shrubbery and overgrown grass may draw spiders to your property, eventually allowing them indoors.

How to Get Rid of Spiders

Even when you’ve tried to seal your home from spiders, they may still be able to make their way indoors. DIY spider control only works so well, and seeing an excess of spiders inside your home signals that you need to call a professional pest control company. Expert pest technicians, such as those found at Rentokil, can not only locate the source of your spider problem but also keep future infestations from occurring.

Preventing Fall Pests in Your Home

Learn how to keep fall pests out of your Las Vegas home - Western ExterminatorPest problems in Las Vegas are at their highest in the fall, but what happens to these pests when the weather cools down? The number of infestations in the autumn months can skyrocket as pests try to find a place to overwinter, which is why the time to protect your home is now! To keep pests and insects out of your home this fall and winter, read on to learn some of Rentokil’s top tips for preventing fall pests in your home.

Common Pests in the Fall

Summer temperatures bring about many types of insects and pests. Cooling temperatures will cause a population decrease in some pests, but some will appear more often than ever as they seek out homes for shelter and resources. In Las Vegas, some of the pests you’ll see in the fall include:

  • Ants: Cooler weather may cause ants to move their trails indoors.
  • Rodents: Mice and rats are known to seek out warm places for shelter throughout the winter.
  • Flies: Several types of flies will seek out heat as the weather changes.
  • Stink bugs: This odorous bug is infamous for seeking out homes to invade before the winter.

Protecting Your Home from Fall Pests

The best way you can avoid an infestation inside your home is by making sure it’s safeguarded against them! There are a number of ways you can protect your property: 

  • Keep a tidy home both indoors and outdoors. Remove all debris from around the property, clean up messes, and keep food and trash cans sealed.
  • Repair damaged screens and seal any cracks or crevices around your property. Double-check to make sure your roof does not contain cracks.
  • Avoid moisture issues by promptly fixing any leaky pipes or faucets, and maintaining a normal humidity level inside your home.

Prevent Fall Pest Problems in Las Vegas

By getting rid of the opportunities that allow pests indoors, you can lessen the chance of getting an infestation. Pest-proofing your home is one of the top methods of pest control, and the team at Rentokil can help protect you from ever dealing with a pest invasion. To learn more about how we can help keep your home pest-free all fall, give us a call!

How to Prevent Aggressive Fall Wasps

Learn how to prevent aggressive yellow jackets in the Las Vegas area during the fall - Western Exterminator of Las VegasHave you ever noticed that yellow jackets in the Las Vegas area are more aggressive during the fall? You’re not wrong! As summer comes to a close, these wasps notoriously become more hostile as they leave their nests and seek out resources to survive the winter. This is when they typically will invade outdoor barbecues and picnics in the fall. Because yellow jackets can sting more than once, it’s important to know how to protect you and your family from their aggressive behavior throughout the autumn months.

Yellow Jacket Life Cycle

During the spring months, a queen yellow jacket will begin to build a nest before laying her eggs. Once the eggs begin to hatch in the springtime, the wasp population can grow exponentially throughout the summer—colonies have been known to contain up to 5,000 members. When summer winds down, many yellow jackets leave the colony to mate, or are forced out due to limiting resources. This is often when these stinging insects are at their most aggressive as they fight to survive, which is when they frequent more residential areas.

Preventing Wasps in the Fall

Bees and wasps are a normal part of daily life and are valued in our environment. That said, they can also be dangerous, especially in the fall and even more so if someone in your family is allergic to their sting! For that reason, it’s important to know how to keep them away from your outdoor events throughout the fall. Some of the ways you can keep yellow jackets away include:

  • Cover all food and garbage with tight-fitting lids.
  • Don’t wear bright colors or wear fragrant perfumes.
  • Inspect your property for signs of nests in eaves or holes.
  • Never walk barefoot through grassy areas.
  • Get rid of sources of standing water and place covers on pools.

Professional Yellow Jacket Nest Removal

Because yellow jackets are so aggressive in the fall, it can be hard to stop them from invading your outdoor events. Especially when nests are involved, it’s best to contact a professional with experience controlling yellow jackets and safely removing nests. The team at Rentokil can not only control any current problems you’re having, but also help protect you and your family from future yellow jacket invasions.

Are Earwigs Harmful to Humans?

Western Exterminator of Las Vegas provides information on whether earwigs are harmful to humans.Earwigs are in full force during the summer, and it’s easy to understand why you may be wary of spotting one in or near your home. Urban legend has led people to believe these bugs are able to tunnel through your ear canal, but, thankfully, that’s simply not true. Despite their somewhat menacing pincers, earwigs are nearly harmless to humans and certainly do not engage in any ear-crawling! That said, it’s still important to know how to identify earwigs in order to prevent any problems they may cause.

The Dangers of Earwigs

Often confused for silverfish, earwigs are slender, flat insects with protruding pincers that make them seem more threatening than they truly are. While earwigs have been known to pinch humans with these pincers, they typically only use them for defense against other earwigs! In truth, earwigs are not poisonous or venomous—they can, however, pinch when threatened. Although they aren’t directly dangerous to humans, earwigs can still be a nuisance when you are dealing with a number of them in or near your home:

  • Earwigs are known to feast on indoor plants and can often be found hiding underneath plant pots.
  • Similarly, earwigs can become a serious problem if they infest and feed on your garden and seedlings.
  • While their pinch may slightly hurt, there are little to no symptoms involved with an earwig pinch because earwigs are not poisonous or venomous.

Preventing Earwigs On Your Property

These bugs are known to prefer cool, wet, and undisturbed areas, and are relatively fast crawlers. They are also nocturnal, but oftentimes are found on patios and porches on summer nights. Preventing earwigs in your home or yard requires many of the same steps you should take to prevent all types of pests:

  1. Always address areas inside or outside your home with excess moisture. Repair leaky pipes, be wary of over-watering your plants, and fix any drainage issues you may be experiencing.
  2. Clean up your landscape by mowing your grass, trimming back bushes and trees regularly, and keeping wood piles away from the perimeter of your property.
  3. Consider adjusting any outdoor lighting you have on your porch or patio to yellow bulbs, as white light tends to attract insects more often.
  4. Inspect the foundation of your home and seal or close off any holes or entry points through which earwigs can easily access the inside of your home.

Professional Earwig Control Services

If you’ve done all you can to prevent earwigs inside or outside of your home and are still dealing with these bugs invading your space, it may be time to call a professional. While earwigs aren’t dangerous to humans and full-blown infestations are rare, they can still be a nuisance and wreak havoc on your plants. The experts at Rentokil can help you eliminate the factors that draw earwigs to your property. Call our team today to learn more!

7 Natural Remedies for Bee Stings

Western Exterminator of Las Vegas provides information on all-natural home remedies to treat bee stings.Chances are, most people have been or will be stung by a bee at some point in their life. As painful and surprising as they may be at the time, stings often heal quickly and without complication. Nonetheless, it’s important to take action after being stung! While there are certainly a number of over-the-counter treatments to choose from, you don’t need to stop by the store. Luckily, there are several all-natural remedies that can work to heal a sting right at home.

Treating Bee Stings at Home

There are a number of benefits to using all-natural treatments for bee stings. That said, it’s extremely important to receive medical attention if there is a negative or allergic reaction to the sting. Thankfully, those cases are rare and most stings can be treated in the comfort of your home. Before applying any home remedy, the first step is to safely and quickly remove the stinger after being stung with your fingernail, tweezers, or the edge of a credit card. Follow up with a quick soapy water wash, and ice the stung area as needed to reduce swelling. From there, you’re ready to treat the sting to help relieve any symptoms!

7 All-Natural Bee Sting Remedies

While some of these remedies may prove to be more effective than others, some of the natural ways to relieve the symptoms of a bee sting include:

  1. Toothpaste: Dabbing a bit of toothpaste on the site of the sting has been known to neutralize honeybee venom.
  2. Baking soda: A paste comprised of baking soda and water has been reported to reduce pain, itchiness, and swelling caused by a bee sting. Simply apply a thick layer of the mixture, cover with a bandage, and let sit for at least 15 minutes before removing!
  3. Honey: An age-old home remedy for many symptoms, honey can help heal wounds, decrease itchiness, and ease pain. Cover the sting with a small amount of honey, cover, and let sit for up to an hour.
  4. Meat tenderizer: A solution of one-part meat tenderizer and four parts water has been said to break down a protein in the body that causes pain and itching.
  5. Apple cider vinegar: Soaking a sting in apple cider vinegar can help neutralize bee venom and ease pain associated with the sting.
  6. Aspirin tablet: Applying a wet aspirin tablet to the site of the sting has been known to possibly reduce redness and swelling associated with the venom.
  7. Essential oils & herbs: Aloe vera, lavender essential oil, calendula cream, tea tree oil, and witch hazel all have healing properties that may aid in treating a bee sting. When using essential oils, always mix a few drops with a carrier oil before applying to the skin.

Natural Bee Sting Treatments

In most cases, bee stings can be treated at home. Although all-natural treatments aren’t guaranteed to work for everyone, there’s a reason these home remedies have been passed down for centuries! However, when experiencing any symptoms of a more serious reaction—especially when it involves trouble breathing, hives, or dizziness—it’s essential to seek medical attention. Allergies to bee stings can form at any point in life, which is why it’s important to always properly treat a sting.

Fleas & Ticks in Las Vegas

Preventing fleas and ticks in Las Vegas with Western Exterminator.As tiny as they are, fleas and ticks can be dangerous pests if they are brought into the home by its residents or pets. These two insects are both parasitic, meaning they feed on the blood of their hosts to survive. Ticks in particular pose an immense risk in that they can pass blood-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease, to their hosts. Cats and dogs are most commonly affected by fleas and ticks, and can spread them throughout Las Vegas homes once inside.

The Habits of Fleas

Fleas most commonly attach to cats or dogs outside as they nestle in fur and spread to items inside the home. They also are commonly introduced in homes when rats or mice make their way indoors. In rare instances, fleas can move on to a human host inside the home. These tiny, reddish brown insects can cause itchy bites and, in serious cases, allergic reactions. The worst part about getting a flea infestation is the time and effort that goes into getting rid of them!

The Dangers of Ticks

Similarly to fleas, ticks are known for latching onto the fur of animals as well as clothing and skin. An infestation is often caused when they’ve infested a rodent, raccoon, or another animal near the home. Certain ticks, such as the brown dog tick, does well living indoors, and many species of ticks transmit a number of viruses or infections. The most common tick-borne illness is Lyme disease which, if left untreated, can cause damage to the heart and nervous system. For this reason and more, it’s essential to prevent ticks in and around the home year-round.

Preventing Fleas & Ticks in Las Vegas

The best way to avoid dealing with the frustration and dangers of a flea or tick infestation is to prevent them in the first place. In addition to getting any pets treated for fleas regularly, it’s important to make sure you implement preventative measures outside the home to keep fleas and ticks away. Because fleas and ticks are commonly found on wild animals, it’s essential to limit the chances of rodents or wildlife getting near the home:

  • Keep a tidy landscape by avoiding piles of debris, keeping garbage stored carefully, and trimming back trees and foliage.
  • Don’t leave pet food outside.
  • Fleas cannot survive in direct sunlight, so keeping your home and yard sunny may be a natural deterrent.
  • Seal holes and any areas of entry into the home to detract rodents from getting inside.

Reliable Flea and Tick Control Services

Flea and tick infestations are notoriously difficult to manage, not to mention the threats they pose to your pets and family. For more information on keeping these parasitic insects away from your Las Vegas home or treating a current infestation, give the experts at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas a call!

Protect Your Home From Black Widow Spiders

How to prevent black widow spiders in Las Vegas.Very few people welcome the sight of a spider in or near their home, and it can be a frightening experience for many! While most spiders are typically harmless and actually beneficial to the environment, there are a few in the Las Vegas area to be wary of. Along with the desert brown spider, black widows are not only one of the most common spiders in Southern Nevada but also the most dangerous. Although they only bite when threatened, there are a number of ways you can prevent these poisonous spiders from getting in or near your home.

What Attracts Black Widows to Your Property?

Just as with any type of spider, black widows typically enter homes for survival-based reasons. They are solitary creatures and, for the most part, prefer to stay away from humans and remain in their outdoor environment. Some of the things black widows may be attracted to in your home include:

  1. Food: Spiders are drawn indoors to prey on the other insects that may be inside your home. When you leave out food, insects will feed on that food, and spiders eventually make their way indoors to feed on those insects!
  2. Debris: If you have piles of clothes, garbage, or debris scattered around, you may unknowingly be creating a haven for spiders.
  3. Warmth: Similarly to any pest, black widows may make their way inside to escape dropping temperatures at night or during the winter.

Preventing Black Widows in Las Vegas

Properly protecting your home from black widows entails the same methods that apply to many types of insects and pests. The best method of spider control is prevention, and there are a number of things you can do to keep spiders out of your property:

  • To prevent black widows from getting inside, make sure to inspect any boxes or pieces of furniture for egg sacs or live spiders before bringing items into the home.
  • Locate and seal off any potential entry points around the perimeter of your home, including windows and doors.
  • Always wear gloves when handling or sorting through boxes in attics or basements.
  • Trim back plants and trees from the foundation of the home and keep a tidy yard free of hiding spots.

Professional Spider Control Services

If you’ve implemented preventative measures to protect your home from black widows and still notice them in or near your home, it’s time to call in the professionals! Black widows have a very dangerous bite and quick, reliable action needs to be taken if they are on your property. At Rentokil, we know how terrifying these spiders can be—call us today to learn more about our spider control services!

Summer Travel Tips: Hotel Room Bed Bug Inspections

Western Exterminator of Las Vegas provides tips on how to avoid bed bugs while traveling this summer!Summer’s here and the vacation you’ve been planning for months is quickly approaching. Even though the last thing you want to worry about while traveling is pests, the truth is you should always be cautious of bed bugs. Even worse, infestations are known to start after bringing the tiny bugs home in your suitcase after a getaway. To avoid having these uninvited guests accompany you back to your Las Vegas residence after a trip, read on to learn Western Exterminator of Las Vegas’ best tips for making sure your travels are bed bug-free!

Inspecting Your Hotel Room for Bed Bugs

The best way to avoid encountering bed bugs on a vacation is by being proactive about checking for them! Before you even book your hotel, it’s important to research your options and pay attention to any customer reviews that mention bed bug problems. Even a hotel or bed-and-breakfast could have bed bugs, which is why it’s crucial to always inspect your room upon your arrival. Some of the things to check for include:

  • Pull back the bed sheets, and look between the mattress and box spring for any signs of eggs, feces, or skin that has been shed.
  • When you look at the surface of the mattress, you might find tiny specks of blood, where the bugs have bitten previous guests.
  • In addition to the mattress, make sure to check in any cracks on a bed frame or headboard, as well as on any other pieces of furniture in the room.
  • If you find what you believe to be evidence of bed bugs, it’s essential to let the hotel staff know and to request a room change!
  • Even in a room that is bed-bug free, it’s smart to keep your things out of the reach of bed bugs by using suitcase racks or keep your luggage on top of dressers or other furniture.

Preventing Bed Bug Infestations After Traveling

Just as important as checking your hotel room for bed bugs is making sure you didn’t bring them home with you at the end of a trip! There are several precautions to take to ensure you don’t unknowingly invite these pesky bugs into your residence:

  1. Before you bring your suitcase inside, it’s recommended to quickly check your suitcase or even shake it out.
  2. Wash and dry all of your clothing in hot water after your trip, even if it was never worn.
  3. Thoroughly vacuum or steam clean your suitcase before you store it. Pay careful attention to the lining and any pockets where the bugs could be hiding.

Professional Bed Bug Treatment

Unfortunately, there are some occasions when you still get bed bugs despite taking all the precautions to avoid them while traveling. The best thing you can do if you notice bed bugs in your suitcase or in your home is to immediately call a professional pest control company. Bed bug infestations can spread without you noticing, which is why it’s essential to enlist an expert who can thoroughly inspect and treat your home. If your Las Vegas home has been exposed to bed bugs, call the professionals at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas today!

Can Earwigs Bite or Pinch Humans?

Earwigs in the Las Vegas and Henderson areas - Western Exterminator of Las VegasContrary to urban myths, earwigs do not burrow into people’s ear canals! Old legends claimed that these little silverfish-looking bugs make their way into ear canals and lay eggs, but that’s simply not true. That said, many people still fear these pesky little insects and worry about their ability to bite. Despite their intimidating looking pincers, earwigs very rarely bite humans. At worst, they will use their forceps (cerci) to pinch when threatened. Thankfully, their pinches are very minor and cause little discomfort!

All About Earwigs

These little insects have flat bodies, are typically a brown or black color, and possess visible pincers or cerci that are occasionally used for defensive purposes. Although they have wings, they very rarely use them to fly. Other facts to know about earwigs include:

  • They prefer to stay hidden, and are nocturnal insects. During the day, they hide under rocks and tend to seek out damp or moist areas.
  • When they make their way inside your home, they are often found old boxes, stacks of books, in the basement, or even invading your kitchen.
  • They aren’t picky and will eat a variety of organic matter: plants, fruits and vegetables, trash, other insects, and even plants.

Do Earwigs Bite?

Just by looking at them, you would think that earwigs are known for biting or pinching people. However, that just isn’t the case. Although earwigs have strong cerci, they almost never use them to pinch or bite humans unless directly threatened or picked up. In the rare case someone is pinched by an earwig, the symptoms will be very mild—occasionally, some irritation will result from the incident but nothing more. The good news is that these bugs actively avoid contact with people and typically scuttle away when exposed.

Preventing Earwigs in Las Vegas

Although earwigs don’t pose a threat to humans, that doesn’t mean you want to come across a nest of them in or near your home! There are a number of things you can do to make your home and yard less desirable for earwigs:

  1. Keep your landscape in tip-top shape: Get rid of piles of waste, avoid using decorative stepping stones, use mulch sparingly, and keep trees and shrubs trimmed away from the house.
  2. Inspect the perimeter of your home: Look for any obvious entry points and seal them to keep earwigs from slipping into your home.
  3. Promptly fix any moisture problems: Repair leaky faucets, sprinklers, and other factors that contribute to a moist environment.

If you’ve implemented all of these prevention tactics and still have a large population of earwigs on or near your property, it’s time to call for professional help. The team at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas knows how to remove earwigs and keep them from returning. Call us today to learn more!

Is Pest Control Pet Friendly?

Safe pest control for pets from Western Exterminator of Las VegasAlthough pest control methods today are almost always safe for you and your family, are they safe for your pets as well? At Western Exterminator of Las Vegas, we are happy to provide pet-friendly pest solutions and are proud to use procedures that are pet-safe during and after treatment. We understand why homeowners are concerned when it comes to pest control, which is why we are dedicated to keeping our methods safe for your entire family, including the four-legged members!

Pet-Safe Pest Treatments

Whether we’re treating your home for mosquitoes, ants, or cockroaches, our approach is pet-friendly from the start. Some of the ways we will keep treatments safe for your dog or cat include:

  1. Before applying any treatment outdoors, our technician will thoroughly inspect the exterior of your home. Any pets will need to be brought inside.
  2. When applying treatment indoors, all pet-related items (food/water dishes, bedding, toys, etc.) will need to be stored away.
  3. When applying traps, we will use only tamper-proof bait stations that are anchored in such a way to keep children and pets out of them.
  4. We will ask of homeowners to keep pets out of any treated areas until products can dry, which typically takes 15 minutes.

Keeping Your Pets Safe After Pest Treatment

After we’ve completed treating your home for pests, there are a number of ways you can make sure your pets keep away from treated areas. If bait stations were installed in your yard, it’s important to discourage any digging habits your dog may exhibit. Although sticky traps don’t pose a serious threat, it’s still smart to keep an eye out for any pets that wander near them. Lastly, while rodent traps are typically built to be child and pet-proof, curious dogs can still chew their way through them and potentially endanger themselves. By staying vigilant about watching your pets’ behaviors, you can help ensure our pest control methods are not tampered with and remain safe for anyone near them!

Pet-Friendly Pest Control in Las Vegas

Western Exterminator of Las Vegas is fully invested in environmentally responsible pest solutions based on the principles of Integrated Pest Management. Because we are dedicated to using eco-friendly products in all of our methods, you can rest assured your family and pets are completely safe before, during, and after our pest control treatments. We know that pets are a beloved part of your family, which is why we are committed to pet-friendly pest control!