Are Cockroach Infestations Worse in the Summertime?

Here in Las Vegas, cockroaches can be a frustrating household pest all year long. Because we live in a warmer climate, they are a frequent pest for homeowners and business owners alike. However, their population peaks in the summertime as the weather gets warmer than ever. A cockroach problem is the last thing you want to deal with in the summer, which is why it’s important to learn what you can do to keep them out in the first place. The team at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas is here to share expert information on summertime cockroach problems as well as tips to prevent them.

Do Roaches Prefer the Heat?

Cockroaches can survive in a variety of environments and climates. In fact, they’re infamous for their ability to withstand a number of atmospheres! That said, they still prefer warmth and are thus most common in the summertime. In addition to their attraction to the warmth, cockroaches are also drawn to sources of moisture. This is why they are most commonly seen in bathrooms, kitchens, basements, and crawl spaces. Because infestations can be so large in the summer, it’s important to know what to do to avoid them.

How to Avoid a Cockroach Infestation

Preventing cockroaches from finding your property attractive is the best way to avoid an infestation. Our top roach prevention tips are:

  1. Inspecting the perimeter of your home and seal cracks and crevices. Seal windows and doors or install screens.
  2. Keeping a clean kitchen and bathroom. Wipe or clean up any spills or messes as soon as possible.
  3. Picking up pet food bowls after mealtimes. Try to avoid leaving food out overnight or for days at a time.
  4. Securely storing all food in tight-fitting airtight containers, and refrigerating unsealed food.
  5. Ensuring your garbage cans are sealed with a tight-fitting lid, and routinely take it out when needed.
  6. Avoiding leaving piles of clutter or junk both inside and outside of your property.
  7. Promptly fixing any leaky pipes or clogged rain gutters to avoid moisture problems.

How to Deal With a Cockroach Infestation

Cockroach infestations are known for being gross, but they can also be very dangerous. Roaches spread germs and bacteria, and can even trigger allergic reactions in some individuals. DIY cockroach control is never a good idea due to the size of the infestations. Always contact your local cockroach exterminator for help with infestations.

How to Prevent Ticks on Your Pets This Summer

Ticks are a parasitic pest dangerous to pets in Henderson NV - Western Exterminator of Las VegasHere in Las Vegas, the warmer months of the year bring about more insects than ever. One in particularly that flares up with the heat is the tick! If you spend time outside in your yard or hiking, there’s a chance you may encounter a tick problem in your family. These blood-suckers can latch onto people and pets alike. They are most infamous for spreading Lyme disease, the most common vector-borne disease in the United States. For this reason, it’s crucial to learn how to prevent ticks on your pets this summer. The team at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas is here to help with expert tips.

5 Tips to Prevent Ticks on Pets

Ticks are a very dangerous pest–and more common than you may want to believe. In the summer, there are several things you should do to keep ticks away:

  1. Trim your shrubs and mow your lawn. By mowing your lawn regularly, you can make your yard less attractive to ticks. In addition, implement rodent prevention tactics to discourage rodents that could carry ticks.
  2. Ask your vet about tick preventatives for your pets. Talk to your veterinarian about prevention or treatment options, including heartworm protection.
  3. Inspect any pets that go outside for ticks on a daily basis. When inspecting, focus on areas under the legs and around the neck and ears. In addition, look out for excessive scratching, licking, or grooming behavior.
  4. Avoid areas with tall grass or off-path trails. Ticks are known to be in areas with high grass, be careful to stay on trails when hiking or walking.
  5. Protect your family from ticks. During the summer, regularly check yourself and family members for ticks after being outdoors. They can easily hop from you to your pets!

The Threats of Ticks for Dogs

Ticks are a parasitic pest that feed on the blood of their victims, including humans and pets. When an infected tick attaches to a dog for a few days, it’s possible for them to transmit Lyme disease, a serious bacterial infection. If you notice your pet is showing symptoms, including signs of depression, loss of appetite, fever, lameness, or swollen joins and lymph nodes, it’s important to contact your veterinarian. Ticks can also occasionally cause anemia in pets. Cats rarely get ticks, but could easily carry them into your home. From there, they can easily hop off you and onto other pets or family members, which is why it’s crucial to stay vigilant about their presence in your property.

How to Get Rid of Ticks in the Summer

If you or your pets are experiencing symptoms aligned with tick-borne disease, it’s important to act quickly and receive medical attention. Regularly clean your home on the inside and wash your pets bedding to keep ticks at bay. If you’re dealing with a tick problem, contact the exterminators at Western for advice and assistance!

What Does a Wasp Nest Look Like?

Summertime in Las Vegas means insects are buzzing around all the time. One of the most common insects you’ll see during this time of year is the wasp! Whether you’re used to seeing paper wasps in your backyard or yellowjackets at the park, you’re accustomed to wasp activity in the summertime. Different types of wasps build very different types of nests, making it important to learn how to identify them. That said, it’s crucial to never attempt a wasp nest, even if it appears abandoned. Stinging insects can be very aggressive when it comes to defending their nests. Keep reading to learn about the main types of nests you’ll see this time of year.

Where Do Wasps Build Nests?

Wasps certainly build nests on trees and buildings, but they can be found in other spots too. Yellowjackets favor areas near the ground, in hollow trees, under porches, and a number of other areas. Mud daubers tend to build their nests in sheltered areas, including under eaves, garages, attics, or on the sides of buildings. Paper wasp nests are often located under and within the eaves of structures, in attics and wall voids, and in other enclosed areas. Bald-faced hornets, on the other hand, like to build nests high up off the ground. This can mean in trees, but also on structures.

What does a wasp nest look like in Henderson and Las Vegas NV? Western Exterminator of Las Vegas

Identifying Types of Wasp Nests

Here in Las Vegas, we commonly see activity from paper wasps, yellowjackets, mud daubers, and bald-faced hornets. Here’s what their nests look like:

  1. Yellowjackets. Likely the most common nest you may see, yellowjacket nests are a papery material and have a single opening. The inside of a yellowjacket nest can have up to 100 tiers of cells. Yellowjackets can also build underground nests that can be enormous in size.
  2. Paper wasps. These nests famously look like upside-down umbrellas. Paper wasp nests are often open, and can get quite large in size. They are typically supported by a single stalk and consist of a paper-like material.
  3. Mud daubers. True to name, female mud daubers construct their nests out of mostly mud. The nests are small and tubular in size, often looking like organ pipes. They are typically found in cracks or crevices.
  4. Bald-faced hornets. These nests are almost always at least three feet off the ground. They are made of chewed wood fibers mixed with saliva. They often grow to be the size of a football or basketball.

How to Get Rid of Wasp Nests

If a wasp nest is built on or near your property, it’s important to take caution. Avoid going near it, and do not try to knock it down yourself. Certain types of wasps become much more aggressive if their nest is threatened, and they can sting you multiple times. Always contact the wasp control team at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas for help with wasps.

What Attracts Termites to Your Home?

Mulch is something that may bring termites to your yard. Western Exterminator of Las Vegas.Termites are active right now, making it the best time to know what may attract them to your property. Damage caused by termites often goes unnoticed, as they can be tricky to spot until you have a serious infestation. For that reason, it’s important to do everything you can to prevent a termite problem from starting in the first place. The first step to preventing termites is to know what actions may be attracting them to your property to begin with. The team at Rentokil is here to share their expert info on actions that could be inviting termites to your home–read on to learn more.

3 Things That May Attract Termites

  1. Firewood or wood piles: Many homeowners keep firewood stacked against their home or on the stoop for easy access. This is appealing to termites and can draw them toward a home and provide a point of entry. To avoid this, always store wood piles at least 20 feet away from the house, and 5 inches off the ground. Also avoid leaving stumps or logs in the yard, especially those that are in decay.
  2. Faulty or improper drainage: Moisture problems will attract subterranean termites, the most destructive species nationwide. Ensure you do not have any clogged gutters. Divert rainwater away from the foundation of your property with down-spout extenders.
  3. Mulch: Any mulch near your property could serve as a source of food for termites. Mulch retains moisture, which attracts termites. Try to minimize the usage of mulch or at least keep it 15 inches away from the foundation of your home or property.

Other Ways to Prevent Termites

In general, it’s best to get a regular inspection from a professional pest control company when you want to avoid termites. In addition, stay on top of home repairs: fix any damaged roofing, and seal any cracks or crevices in your property. Keep your garden neat, trim back trees and bushes away from the foundation of your home, and regularly inspect any outdoor furniture, porches, or decks.

Keeping Termites Away

Termites are the number one most destructive pest in the nation. For that reason, it’s essential for all homeowners in the Henderson area to stay proactive about preventative maintenance. For more information on what attracts termites to your home or how to prevent them, contact the termite exterminators at Rentokil today!

What are Murder Hornets?

All about murder hornets - Western Exterminator of Las VegasChances are you’ve heard all about “murder hornets” in the past few months. But what are they? The Asian giant hornet, Vespa mandarinia, is the world’s largest hornet at over two inches long. They have received a lot of media in the past couple of months after the first-ever reports of sightings occurred in Washington in December 2019. It is true that their sting is known to be lethal, but the biggest danger of these murder hornets is the fact that they devastate the honeybee population. Keep reading to learn all you need to know about these hornets!

What do Murder Hornets Look Like?

It is rather easy to tell Asian giant hornets apart from other types of stinging insects. Here are their main characteristics:

  • Light orange head with an orange, black, and brown striped body.
  • Large, prominent eyes
  • Distinctly sharp mandibles
  • Workers are 1 ½ – 2” in length, Queens can exceed 2”
  • Six legs and a set of antennae
  • ¼” (6 mm) length stinger

Why are Asian Giant Hornets Dangerous?

Asian giant hornets typically do not attack humans unless they are provoked or feel their nest is threatened. A sting from a murder hornet is painful and contains neurotoxins. When multiple stings occur or when the victim is allergic, the neurotoxins can contribute to organ failure that can be fatal.

The main threat of these hornets is that they are a predator of the honeybee. They attack honey bee hives, killing adult bees and devouring bee larvae and pupae. A single murder hornet can kill dozens of honeybees in minutes, and a group of 30 hornets can devour nearly 30,0000 bees in hours. Needless to say, this can severely affect the honeybee population.

Where are Murder Hornets Found?

The Asian giant hornet is typically found in China, Japan, and several other Asian countries. The first reports of them in the United States occurred in December 2019 in Washington State. It is currently unknown how these hornets first arrived in North America. Needless to say, scientists are currently leading the way to find, trap, and eradicate this pest before it becomes more widespread.

Should You Worry About These Hornets?

These hornets definitely pose a threat to the honeybee population, and in severe cases have caused deaths in people. Currently, there are no reports of murder hornets in Nevada, and officials say it’s unlikely as the hornets prefer the wet climate. With any type of stinging insect, it’s important to be very careful and always contact a licensed pest control professional such as Western Exterminator of Las Vegas.

Fact or Fiction: Bed Bug Myths

Myths about bed bugs in Henderson NV area - Western Exterminator of Las VegasBed bugs were once a pest of the past, but had a resurgence in the 90s. Since then, there has been a lot of false information spread about these pests in due part of the fear people hold for them. In order to better prepare yourself for a bed bug problem, it’s important to learn the facts and to stop believing the bed bug myths. Bed Bug Awareness Week is here, and the team at Rentokil Las Vegas is here to dispel common misconceptions about these bloodsucking pests. Read on to learn more!

Bed Bug Facts and Myths

If you’ve had a bed bug problem before, you know how distressing an infestation can be. We receive a lot of questions about bed bugs and want to clear the air on the false information:

  1. Are bed bugs only active at night?
    • No! Bed bugs are active when their hosts are at rest. This usually means overnight, but they can adjust their schedule to fit yours.
  2. Do bed bugs only infest beds and bedrooms?
    • Bed bugs can infest anywhere–including chairs, sofas, cracks in the wall, and even power outlets. They prefer to congregate near where their hosts rest, making bedrooms the main target.
  3. Can you see bed bugs with the naked eye?
    • Although nymphs are nearly impossible to see, adult bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed and can absolutely be seen with your own eyes.
  4. Should you throw away infested furniture and mattresses?
    • No! In fact, you shouldn’t move infested furniture in the midst of an infestation. Doing so can contribute to bed bugs spreading into other areas.
  5. Are bed bugs attracted to messy homes?
    • This is one of the most common myths about bed bugs. No matter how clean or messy your property is, anyone can get bed bugs.
  6. Can bed bugs fly or jump?
    • No! Unlike fleas and ticks, bed bugs have underdeveloped wings and are only capable of crawling.
  7. Do bed bugs transmit disease with their bites?
    • Thankfully, no. Bed bug bites can leave you with red, itchy marks on your skin but they do not transmit diseases like mosquitoes can.
  8. Are bed bugs capable of living for months without feeding?
    • Yes, but it’s unlikely for them to live for a year unless they are in the most optimal conditions. Young bed bugs in particular must feed on a regular basis in order to survive.

What to Do About Bed Bugs in Las Vegas

Getting rid of bed bugs is no job for an amateur. If you have them, you’re almost certainly going to need the help of a professional to get rid of them. With so many people traveling to and from Las Vegas, it’s important to stay vigilant about preventing them. Contact our team today for more information.

It’s Wasp Season: Three Wasps to Lookout For

Summertime is just around the corner here in the Las Vegas area, and the season of wasps is about to begin! For many, summertime means backyard barbecues, picnics, swimming pools, and more. Unfortunately, it also means more stinging insects on the loose. As you begin to spend more time outdoors in the coming months, it’s important to learn what wasps you need to be on the lookout for: paper wasps, mud daubers, and, of course, yellow jackets! The team at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas is here to keep you informed about these three summertime wasps–keep reading to learn more.


Common summertime wasps in Henderson NV - Western Exterminator of Las Vegas

Three Summertime Wasps

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are likely the most commonly known wasp. They are infamous for their aggressive behavior, particularly in the late summer months. As very social insects, yellow jackets congregate in colonies of up to or more than 1,000 workers. For the most part, yellow jackets will not bother you…unless you disrupt their nest. Disturbing a yellow jacket hive is something you want to avoid at all costs. They can repeatedly sting and can be very dangerous.

Mud Daubers

Just as their name suggests, mud daubers construct their nests out of mud. Mud daubers are usually black with light-colored markings or a metallic sheen. Their body is long and slender with a thread-like waist that makes it easy to tell them apart. A mud dauber nest is usually located in covered areas such as porch ceilings, sheds, and attics. These wasps are less aggressive than yellow jackets and tend to be solitary, making them less of a threat.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps construct umbrella-shaped nests in a paper-like material. These nests often hang from tree branches and twigs, as well as porch ceilings and door railings. A mature nest can have between 20-30 adult wasps living inside. While social in nature, paper wasps are not as aggressive as yellow jackets. However, they may sting to defend their nests; a paper wasp sting is especially potent and could trigger an allergic reaction, making it important to avoid them when you do see them.

How to Prevent Summertime Wasps in Las Vegas

During the summer, it’s important to keep an eye out for summertime wasp activity. This includes inspecting your property for nests on a regular basis. Some of our top wasp prevention tips include:

  1. When outdoors, wear shoes, especially in grassy areas.
  2. Do not leave drinks or food in accessible areas.
  3. Keep windows and doors properly screened.
  4. Keep garbage in sealed receptacles.
  5. Do not swat at wasps as it increases the likelihood of an aggressive reaction.
  6. If stung, seek immediate medical attention, as reactions can be severe.

Need Wasp Control?

It can be difficult to identify summertime wasps, which is why it’s best to leave it up to the professionals. If you suspect wasp activity or spot a nest on your property, contact the wasp removal team at Western Exterminator. Our exterminators can safely and quickly cure you of your wasp problem this summer.

What Pests Trigger Springtime Allergies?

Cockroaches can cause allergies in Henderson and Las Vegas NV - Western Exterminator of Las VegasAllergies are a fact of life in the springtime. Chances are, you or someone you know is dealing with an onslaught of allergy symptoms, from a runny nose to itchy eyes. But what if it’s more than just the weather and trees blooming that is triggering your allergies? With May being National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month, the team at Rentokil is here to shine light on the dangers of allergies exacerbated by pests. Pest allergens are a result of certain types of pests in your home, making it important to know how to prevent them! Keep reading to learn how to avoid pest and springtime allergies.

Allergies Caused by Pests

Pest infestations can be dangerous for many reasons, including allergies! Cockroaches are one of the biggest contributors to allergies, especially in children. droppings, saliva, shed skins, and other parts contain allergen proteins that cause allergic reactions and can exacerbate asthma as well. Other pests that are known to cause allergic reactions include stinging insects–yellow jackets, fire ants, wasps, and more. Their sting can cause a wide range of reactions in people, from itching and hives to shortness of breath in a more severe allergic reaction*.

**If you experience symptoms of an allergic reaction such as swelling, wheezing, dizziness, or trouble breathing, call 911 or get medical attention immediately!

How to Prevent Pest-Triggered Allergies

To avoid making your allergies even worse this season, it’s important to reduce allergens in your home as much as possible. Basic pest prevention goes a long way to eliminate these allergens:

  • Store food in sealed containers and clean kitchens on a daily basis.
  • Dispose of garbage regularly and use a tight-fitting lid.
  • Seal cracks and holes in homes, including entry points for utilities and pipes, screen doors, and windows.
  • Keep your basements and crawl spaces well-ventilated and dry!
  • Wash blankets, rugs, and bedding in hot water or get them dry-cleaned.
  • Vacuum and dust your property frequently.
  • Keep pet food sealed in a tight container and wash food bowls.

Long-Term Pest Allergy Prevention

The best way to avoid allergies from pests is to make sure you are protected against pest problems all year wrong! To keep roaches and stinging insects out, it’s best to team up with a professional exterminator. At Rentokil, we are committed to keeping our customers safe from the many dangers of pests–allergies included!

It’s Time to Start Ant-Proofing Your Home!

Sweeping your floor regularly is a top ant-proofing tip in Henderson NV - Western Exterminator of Las VegasWhen the weather starts to warm up every spring in Las Vegas, the ants return! Warmer temperatures encourage worker ants to leave their nests in search of food, which means this is the time of year you may start to see more ants in your property. To prevent the chance of them making their way indoors, the time for ant-proofing is now! Ant infestations are notoriously difficult to control once you have them, making it important to learn how to keep them out in the first place. Keep reading for expert ant-proofing tips from the team at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas!

What Are Ants Attracted To?

Just like many of us, ants have a sweet tooth and will go hunting for crumbs in your property. This makes kitchens particularly vulnerable to infestations. They also are attracted to moisture, making your sinks and cabinets a hot spot for infestations. Leaky pipes that cause excess moisture are a leading cause of ant problems. Lastly, ants can easily make their way indoors from cracks and crevices, and are drawn to homes that provide food and water.

Ant-Proofing Tips

With help from the NPMA, we’ve compiled a list of ant prevention tips for homeowners that will help guard your home against these pesky pests this year:

  • Inspect your property and seal any cracks or crevices using a silicone-based caulk.
  • Keep pet food bowls clean and always clean up messes made. Pick pet bowls up off the floor after meal times.
  • Ensure downspouts and gutters are all functioning properly so that water is flowing away from the foundation.
  • Similarly, check under sinks for excess moisture problems and repair leaky pipes promptly.
  • Trim trees and shrubbery in your yard to be at least 6 inches away from the home.
  • Wipe down your countertops and sweep floors regularly to clean up spills and remove crumbs.
  • Store food (including pet food) in airtight containers and place ripe fruit in your fridge.
  • Dispose of garbage on a regular basis and use trash cans with a tight-fitting lid.

Professional Ant Prevention

If you’ve done all you can to prevent ants but still see a problem forming in your Henderson or Las Vegas home, it’s best to call an ant exterminator. Many people attempt to address ant problems on their own, but they are infamously tricky to exterminate completely. At Western Exterminator, our professionals can help ensure your ant problem is taken care of quickly and efficiently.

Do Mosquito Bites Transmit Coronavirus?

Ticks do not spread COVID-19 in Henderson NV or worldwide. Learn more from Western Exterminator of Las Vegas.In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the team at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas is prioritizing the health and safety of our communities. We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation to stay up-to-date with the latest information. New data is being released every hour about the nature of this virus, but there are still a lot of questions about who and what spreads coronavirus. We’ve seen a lot of inquiries about the possibility of mosquitoes playing a role in the spread. However, there is no evidence to date that suggests that mosquitoes and ticks are transmitting the coronavirus. These insects may be vectors for some of the world’s worst diseases, but COVID-19 is thankfully not one of them. Keep reading to learn more.

Mosquito Bites & COVID-19

To date, there is no scientific evidence that mosquitoes and ticks transmit COVID-19. From what we know from the CDC, coronavrius is spread through person-to-person contact. This most likely happens from droplets from saliva or nasal discharge, often generated when an infected person sneezes or coughs. It can also be transmitted via contact with a contaminated surface and is increasingly considered to be an airborne virus. From what we know, coronavirus is best avoided by avoiding contact with infected persons. Diseases spread by mosquitoes and ticks are entirely different and are spread when people are bitten by these vector pests

What Diseases do Mosquitoes & Ticks Spread?

Ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes are vectors for infectious diseases. Vectors are organisms that transmit diseases to humans through bites. Ticks and mosquitoes are infamous for their roles in the transmission of dangerous diseases around the world. Some of the things to know about mosquito-borne and tick-borne diseases include:

  • Mosquitoes transmit some of the globe’s most deadly diseases, from malaria and Zika virus to West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever, and more.
  • Ticks transmit Lyme disease, which is currently the most common vector-borne disease in the United States.
  • If these vector pests feed off a diseased host, they can transmit pathogens that will infect other hosts it subsequently bites. This is how humans are exposed to the above diseases.

Pest Control in the time of COVID-19

Mosquitoes may be feared for their transmission of diseases, but to date, COVID-19 is not one of them. That said, no one wants to deal with mosquitoes regardless. It’s increasingly important to take caution in the presence of pests and to always enlist the help of a professional exterminator to prevent dangerous insects. For the safety of our community, Western Exterminator continues to provide essential pest control services during these trying times.

With information about COVID-19 being updated daily, we want to encourage our customers to seek more information and follow guidelines released by the WHO and the CDC to better navigate this pandemic.