Summertime is just around the corner here in the Las Vegas area, and the season of wasps is about to begin! For many, summertime means backyard barbecues, picnics, swimming pools, and more. Unfortunately, it also means more stinging insects on the loose. As you begin to spend more time outdoors in the coming months, it’s important to learn what wasps you need to be on the lookout for: paper wasps, mud daubers, and, of course, yellow jackets! The team at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas is here to keep you informed about these three summertime wasps–keep reading to learn more.


Common summertime wasps in Henderson NV - Western Exterminator of Las Vegas

Three Summertime Wasps

Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are likely the most commonly known wasp. They are infamous for their aggressive behavior, particularly in the late summer months. As very social insects, yellow jackets congregate in colonies of up to or more than 1,000 workers. For the most part, yellow jackets will not bother you…unless you disrupt their nest. Disturbing a yellow jacket hive is something you want to avoid at all costs. They can repeatedly sting and can be very dangerous.

Mud Daubers

Just as their name suggests, mud daubers construct their nests out of mud. Mud daubers are usually black with light-colored markings or a metallic sheen. Their body is long and slender with a thread-like waist that makes it easy to tell them apart. A mud dauber nest is usually located in covered areas such as porch ceilings, sheds, and attics. These wasps are less aggressive than yellow jackets and tend to be solitary, making them less of a threat.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps construct umbrella-shaped nests in a paper-like material. These nests often hang from tree branches and twigs, as well as porch ceilings and door railings. A mature nest can have between 20-30 adult wasps living inside. While social in nature, paper wasps are not as aggressive as yellow jackets. However, they may sting to defend their nests; a paper wasp sting is especially potent and could trigger an allergic reaction, making it important to avoid them when you do see them.

How to Prevent Summertime Wasps in Las Vegas

During the summer, it’s important to keep an eye out for summertime wasp activity. This includes inspecting your property for nests on a regular basis. Some of our top wasp prevention tips include:

  1. When outdoors, wear shoes, especially in grassy areas.
  2. Do not leave drinks or food in accessible areas.
  3. Keep windows and doors properly screened.
  4. Keep garbage in sealed receptacles.
  5. Do not swat at wasps as it increases the likelihood of an aggressive reaction.
  6. If stung, seek immediate medical attention, as reactions can be severe.

Need Wasp Control?

It can be difficult to identify summertime wasps, which is why it’s best to leave it up to the professionals. If you suspect wasp activity or spot a nest on your property, contact the wasp removal team at Western Exterminator. Our exterminators can safely and quickly cure you of your wasp problem this summer.

It’s Wasp Season: Three Wasps to Lookout For in Las Vegas NV

Serving Las Vegas - Henderson Metro Area



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