Bark scorpions, also known as Arizona bark scorpions, are typically 3 inches in length or less, with a light brown body. They can be found in the southwest of the United States, including Las Vegas, and into northern Mexico. The venom of the bark scorpion is the most potent scorpion venom in North America. As the weather gets cooler, scorpions start to gather near homes on block walls, rocks, and near retaining walls.
Bark Scorpions and Dangerous Stings
A sting from the bark scorpion can cause symptoms for up to three days, including:
- Severe pain
- Numbness in the affected limb
- Convulsions
Deaths have been known to occur after a sting, though usually only in the elderly, very young, or those with scorpion venom allergies. After a scorpion sting, medical attention must be sought immediately.
Bark Scorpion Behavior and Your Home
Bark scorpions don’t have nests or burrows, and prefer to roam, looking for food and shelter. They are nomadic, and will travel from home to home, looking for potential resources and invading any available space.
Most scorpions do not socialize or congregate, preferring to remain solitary. Bark scorpions are the exception: they will congregate in groups of 20-30 scorpions during the winter. Most scorpions that enter a home during the fall are doing so to escape the cold weather, and it’s vital to prevent them from moving inside.
5 Tips to Prevent Bark Scorpion Stings
Your home should be protected as thoroughly as possible against scorpions. Here are some basic prevention tips to “scorpion-proof” your house, and to prevent the stings themselves:
- Check your clothing, and shake your shoes before putting them on.
- Always check bedsheets and blankets before using them.
- Homes should be kept clean.
- Clutter or other items that can serve as hiding places for scorpions should be eliminated.
- Never reach into a box, bag, or other container without checking for scorpions first.
- Thorough cleaning should also be completed to prevent other insects that bark scorpions like to eat, like ants and cockroaches.
- Your backyard should remain tidy as well.
- Don’t allow standing water to accumulate.
- Fill all holes and burrows (Carefully!)
- Clean up any pet food
- Remove any brush or piles of vegetation
- Never go outside barefoot.
- Cracks in walls and foundations should be sealed, ensuring that small scorpions cannot enter.
Professional Help for Bark Scorpions in Las Vegas
If you have experienced multiple bark scorpion sightings, or you find them frequently in your backyard, you need to get professional help as soon as possible. Bark scorpions are a major and dangerous problem, and they should never be allowed to remain anywhere near your property. If you’re not sure what species of scorpion you’re seeing, give Western Exterminator a call! We can inspect your property, identify the species of scorpion, seal your home against future problems, and treat any possible scorpion infestation.
It’s Bark Scorpion Season – 5 Tips to Prevent Being Stung in Las Vegas NV
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