5 Springtime Pests in the Las Vegas Valley

It’s officially the first day of spring here in Las Vegas, meaning warmer weather is headed our way. Increasing temperatures and rainy weather in the springtime encourage a variety of insects and pests to emerge after spending most of the winter in a dormant state. The best way to prepare for spring pests is to know what types you should expect to see as spring progresses. The top 5 springtime pests in the Las Vegas Valley are as follows:

Bark Scorpions in Las Vegas

Bark Scorpion Exterminators Las Vegas Henderson NevadaNot only is the bark scorpion the most common scorpion in the nation, it is also the most venomous and will attack if threatened. A few things to remember about bark scorpions include:

  • They are tan in color, have 8 legs, grow up to 3 inches in length, and have a thin tail with a curved stinger.
  • Bark scorpions prefer to make their home under rocks, in crevices, and in trees outdoors. Inside, they can be found trapped in sinks or bathtubs when not climbing walls.
  • Their sting is highly venomous and should be considered a serious health risk that should be attended to by a medical professional as soon as possible.

The Prevalence of Sugar Ants

odorous house ant sugar ant exterminators Las Vegas NV Henderson Paradise NevadaAlso known as odorous house ants, sugar ant infestations are notoriously difficult to manage. Sugar ants are either black or brown in color, grow to no more than 1/8″, and, true to their name, emit a strong odor when smashed. While sugar ants don’t pose a serious health risk, it’s important to know the following facts:

  • They are capable of contaminating food in your home as they forage.
  • Odorous house ants do not bite people.
  • They are known to be one of the most difficult pests to eliminate.

Africanized Honey Bee Facts

Africanized Honey Bee removal and control Las Vegas Nevada Henderson Paradise NVAfricanized honey bees are a hybrid species of the western honey bee, and they are frequently found in the Las Vegas area. A few facts to remember about Africanized honey bees include:

  • Often known as “killer bees”, these bees are fiercely aggressive and known to attack anyone they feel threatened by.
  • They closely resemble European honey bees, but their aggression makes them stand out as more dangerous.
  • Nests can be found anywhere and everywhere around your home, often in places common to human activity.

The American Cockroach Dilemma

american cockroach exterminators and pest control las vegas paradise NevadaAmerican cockroaches are large red-brown roaches in the southwest, and adults can grow to be 1½ inches in length. American cockroaches exhibit some of the following behaviors that separate them from other types of cockroaches:

  • They are found in large numbers in restaurants, family homes, and hospitals.
  • American cockroaches do not cause structural damage but can contaminate food and can be vectors of disease as they carry around germs and bacteria.
  • They can be extremely difficult to get rid of especially when the infestation is large.

All About Roof Rats

roof rat exterminators control and removal companies Las Vegas Henderson Paradise NV NevadaRoof rats are smaller than Norway rats, but possess a longer tail and bigger ears. True to their name, roof rats nest in high areas such as trees or attic spaces. Some of the threats of roof rats include:

  • They have a fast reproduction rate.
  • They are carriers for a variety of diseases and bacteria.
  • Roof rats can quickly damage their environment by chewing through wires, wood, and food, leaving destruction in their wake.

Professional Help With Springtime Pests

If you notice any of the aforementioned pests this spring, it’s smart to call a professional who can check for signs of nests and populations. At Western Exterminator, we are dedicated to helping our customers stay pest-free throughout every season.

The Creepy Noise in Your Attic Could be Roof Rats

The roof rat population in Las Vegas has slowly increased over the last decade, and it shows no signs of stopping. Roof rats, also known as black rats, are much more than ugly or scary nuisances–they can carry a variety of diseases and cause serious damage to a home. How can you protect yourself and your home from these rodents?

How Do Roof Rats Get Into Your Attic?

While roof rats prefer to live in trees, they can and will move from the trees in your yard to the roof of your home, and then into the rest of the structure. They can also travel from home to home via block wall fences and trees, making their way into any structure that presents itself.

Here are just a few locations that roof rats prefer to live in:

  • Trees
  • Sheds
  • Storage sheds
  • Attics

If rodents are in your yard or in one of your outbuildings, they will continue to make their way inside your house, where it’s warmer, safer, and where they have more access to food. While in your backyard, they will eat anything they have access to, including dog feces, pet food, bird food, and garbage. It’s crucial to limit rats’ access to these materials, to avoid giving them further reason to settle within your property.

Signs of a Roof Rat Problem

Like other rodents, roof rats gnaw on things, but because of their greater size, they can cause far more damage.

  • Gnawed limbs or tree damage
  • Empty citrus fruit rinds with teeth marks
  • Smudge marks on the walls and exposed parts of your home’s interior
  • Well-worn runways (basically rat highways) through undergrowth and around your yard
  • Seeing the rats themselves in trees (usually after dark)
  • Moderately sized droppings (larger than mouse droppings)
  • Noise made running within the walls or ceiling of your home, as well as gnawing or scraping sounds

This last sign of a roof rat infestation is the worst sign, as it means they have made a home within your home! Professional rodent control and removal should be scheduled immediately.

What to Do If You Have Roof Rats in Las Vegas

If you’re hearing strange noises, or even if you only find evidence of their presence outside, it’s important to take action immediately. Roof rats are invasive, and they breed very quickly. There are few natural predators to keep their numbers down. If you need to remove roof rats from your backyard or home, call Western Exterminator today!

7 Common Signs of Roof Rat Activity

The roof rat is the most common rodent to invade Las Vegas and Henderson homes and they can be very destructive. Roof rats, as their name indicates, like high places, building their nests outdoors in trees or block walls and indoors in attics or upper levels of the home. Roof rats are very good climbers and can get into the home by running along tree branches, cables or wires.

Roof Rat - Rattus Rattus
Roof Rat – Rattus Rattus

How Do I Know If I Have Roof Rats?

Rats are nocturnal — that is, they are most active at night — and they live in hidden areas, so you can have a major rat problem in your home even if you never see any. Because of this, you need to keep an eye – and an ear – out for signs of rodent presence. Inspect your yard and home thoroughly. If the answer to any of the following questions is yes, you may have a rat problem.

  • Do you see droppings, especially around dog or cat dishes or pet food containers?
  • Have you had visual sightings of roof rats on fences, block walls, trees or eaves?
  • Do you find hollowed citrus and other chewed fruit in your yard?
  • Do you hear scratching sounds from the attic after dusk?
  • Are your pets sometimes unsettled for no apparent reason?
  • Have you ever removed a drowned roof rat from your swimming pool?
  • Do you find dark smudge marks along block walls or outside patio areas?

Roof rat Control

Once rats have invaded your garden or landscaping, unless your house is truly rodent proof, it is only a matter of time before you find evidence of them indoors. Experience has shown it is less time consuming to control rodents before their numbers get too high, and fewer traps and less bait will be required if control is started early. Many home owners in the Las Vegas and Henderson area will often opt to hire a professional extermination company that is trained to deal with roof rats before the pesky rodents take over their home.

Resources ~ UC IPM/UCDavis: Rats

Avoid Pests: 5 Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring in Las Vegas is short lived and as the weather heats up, many insects and pests wake up from a winter’s nap and are ready to get busy finding food. If your Las Vegas or Henderson home proves to be a good source of food for foraging insects and rodents, they will gladly come invade your living space.

In order to prevent pests from getting into your home this spring, here are some indoor spring cleaning tips to keep your home pest free from the Las Vegas pest control professionals at Western Exterminator:

1. Secure Window Screens

Before opening up windows to let the spring breeze flow in, make sure that all windows are secured with screens that fit properly and have no holes. Windows are an easy way for small flying insects to gain entry, so you want to avoid the small holes and loose fitting screens before the windows go up. Also, make sure that if you are going to keep a door open for some extra air flow, you have a screen door to keep the pests out. Open doors are an open invitation for all size pests.

2. De-clutter Your Home

Clean out storage spaces such as the garage, attic, and outdoor sheds. These are perfect homes for pests any time of the year as they are less frequented by humans. Also, any stacks of newspapers or other items provide a great home for pests such as spiders, so you want to be sure that the clutter is gone.

3. Deep Clean Your Kitchen

A deep clean of your kitchen is another good tip to keep the pests out. If there are spills or open food, cockroaches, ants and rodents are likely to find their way into your home. Spend extra time to get rid of any build-up on areas such as under the fridge or stove, the sides of the stove, and in cupboards. It’s easy to let these hidden places be forgotten, but with any food build-up, the pests will try to take advantage.

4. Sanitize Food Surfaces

Make sure to sanitize and clean your food surfaces regularly to keep pests away. If cockroaches or rodents do happen to get into your home, they will leave counters and other food surfaces contaminated, so it is important that you are on top of keeping these places sanitized to protect yours and your family’s health.

5. Spruce Up The Yard.

Branches, leaves, weeds, and dead plants can attract pests. These areas provide a place for the pest to build a nest, and they might eventually come inside your home since the nests are near the building. Also, make sure to get rid of standing water in the yard, because the water could attract mosquitoes since they lay eggs in standing water.

By following these spring cleaning tips, you will be able to enjoy not only a squeaky clean home, but one that is free of any bugs or critters. Due to the amount of time we spend outside in the spring and with open doors and windows, it becomes very important to stay on top of the spring pest prevention measures.

If you tackle these 5 tips and bugs are still trying to take over your home this spring, contact the experts at Western Exterminator for highly effective residential pest control services designed to fit your home.

8 Tips for Pest Proofing Your Home For Winter

As the weather gets colder here in the Las Vegas and Henderson areas, people will want to spend more time indoors, and unfortunately, so will common pests and rodents. Insects such as cockroaches, spiders, and scorpions; and rodents like mice, and roof rats will seek shelter to survive the winter, and there’s nothing more inviting than a warm cozy home.

Keeping Pests Out Of Your Homecockroach exterminators las vegas nevada and henderson NV

Insects and rodents alike can introduce diseases and bacteria into your home, and can also cause a lot of damage. Understanding how to keep these pests out is the first step to ensuring a comfortable, pest free winter.

Below are 8 pest proofing tips to make sure that bugs and rodents stay out of your home this winter.

  1. Make sure needed ventilation points are screened off on the exterior of your home. Attic vents, foundation vents, roof soffits and other exterior entry points should be inspected to make sure they’re in good condition.
  2. Keep your garage and crawl space dry. Insects and rodents are attracted to places they know they can get water. Keeping these areas dry, and free from excessive humidity, will help to detract these unwanted pests.
  3. Seal up any cracks in siding, stucco, and piping. Using exterior grade silicon is a quick solution to stopping entry.
  4. Keep food preparation and storage areas clean and tidy. Leaving food and crumbs out is an invitation to pests like cockroaches, ants, and rodents. Keeping dry foods stored in airtight containers is also recommended.
  5. Inspect your windows and doors. Weather stripping, damaged window frames, and doors that don’t close correctly are all easy entry points to your home. Replace or repair window screens for an added level of protection.
  6. Keep landscaping materials and plants away from your house. Keeping trees, bushes and plants trimmed so they don’t touch your home is an easy and effective way to keep pests away. Trim tree branches back away from your roof. Don’t make it easy for rodents to access your roof.
  7. Don’t let pests hitch a ride into your home. Bringing in the holiday decorations from the garage or storage shed? Make sure pests don’t hitch a ride in storage containers, just one spider can spawn hundreds of babies.
  8. Don’t leave pet food outside, and keep bird feeders away from your house. Rodents love any food, so leaving these items outside is an open invitation to a never ending buffet.

Do It Yourself & Keep The Pests Out of Your Home

The above are a few ways you can protect your home from pests moving in this winter. A little work will help to keep the bugs and rodents out, and your family comfortable. However, if you do encounter a pest or rodent problem this winter, seeking the advice of an experienced pest control company can help you rid of these unwanted visitors.

Roof Rats Moving Into Your Home?

How to tell if you have a Roof Rat problem

Once the weather starts to cool off here in Las Vegas and Henderson, Roof Rats will be on the move, looking for warmer areas to build nests. Roof rats often construct their nests in attics of homes as they offer protection from the cooler temperatures outside, as well as ample room to nest.  These unwelcome house guests can wreak havoc on a home, and any other place they nest due to their destructive nature.  These pesky rodents chew on anything from home electrical wiring, to structural beams, drywall, and more.  They constantly chew and gnaw just about anything to keep their front teeth from growing too long.

How Roof Rats Get Into Your Home

Roof Rats, as their name implies, prefer living higher off the ground.  These vermin rodents can travel via power lines, tree tops, roofs, and even by ground nesting and breeding to create ever growing populations, which can spread out like a plague.  If you’re a home owner, or business that’s been infested by Roof Rats, it’s a pretty good bet that homes or businesses around you have the same problem.

Signs of a Roof Rat Problem

If you’re not paying attention, a Roof Rat infestation can go unnoticed for a while, but will eventually manifest itself in one way or another, often with costly repairs to your home or vehicle(s).  Understanding the telltale signs of a Roof Rat problem early can help you decide quickly the best solution for your specific issue.

Inspecting Your Home or Business Property.  This seems simple enough, but understanding the signs you’re looking for can make this task much easier to identify if you have a problem quickly.

  1. Chew or gnaw marks in or around your homes exterior.  Roof Rats will enter your home any way they can.  Chew marks and holes on roof vents, soffits, crawlspace vents, siding, garage doors, and HVAC ducting can point to entry into the home by these rodents.  Chew and gnaw marks on trees can also point to Roof Rat activity on your property as they like to hang out in the tops of trees.  Roof Rats can enter your home through a hole as small as ¾ of an inch, so often a thorough inspection is required.
  2. Signs of nesting.  Roof Rats are looking for shelter, especially when nights get cooler.  Las Vegas and Henderson residents often will find signs of nesting activity in: BBQ’s, vehicles parked for longer periods, boats, and storage areas.  If these rodents take up nesting in one of these areas, they almost always will cause destruction as they can chew through expensive electrical cords, circuits, hoses and more.
  3. Noises in the night.  Roof Rats are nocturnal  and active during the evening and night hours, as they prefer to move around when there is less human activity.  Many customers of Western Exterminator have reported that they hear scratching and moving around in the ceiling/attic areas, as well as walls, and storage areas.
  4. Foul smell.  Where Roof Rats lives, they will also die.  If you’re smelling a foul smell, often described as a rotten asparagus smell, you may have a Roof Rat infestation.  This smell will often get worse when a homes HVAC system is turned on as the smell will circulate throughout a room, or section of the home. It’s notable to say this isn’t always the case depending on what type of heating and cooling system you use.

What to do if you have a Roof Rat Infestation

Rats in general are very hearty and resourceful rodents. Removing basic essentials such as food, water, and shelter are key to making sure your property is not a suitable place for them to live.  Keeping pet food secure, garbage cans secure, and cleaning up any fruits and vegetable material will keep them looking for food elsewhere.  Roof Rats can survive on very little water, so making sure that your home does not possess a water source is important to keeping them away.  Water dishes, bird baths, fountains, leaky sprinklers / irrigation, and even leaky faucets all provide a readily available water source for rats.

Removing the Current Roof Rat populationroof rat exterminators in Las Vegas and Henderson NV

This can be a tricky endeavor. Many home owners are tempted to use over- the-counter poisons and treatments to get rid rodents from their homes. Using over-the-counter poisons present three real dangers. First, if you have pets and/or children, you must be extremely careful not to inadvertently pose a risk to those family members. Second, if you’re successful in getting the rat(s) to consume the poison, they will most likely return to your home, their nesting place, to die. This often leaves home owners with a putrid smell and the discovery of dead rodents that need to be removed.  Third, as a home owner, how can you know for sure that all of the Roof Rats have been eradicated?

Enlisting the Help of a Roof Rat Extermination Professional

Many home owners in the Las Vegas and Henderson area will often opt to hire a professional extermination company that is trained to deal with Roof Rats.  These professionals will understand the nesting and feeding habits of this rodent, and know the telltales signs to look for when determining the entry points to your home.  It’s this knowledge, along with different removal techniques, that allow a home owner to choose the best option to fit their needs. This makes professional extermination an attractive option for people dealing with Roof Rat infestations.

Along with the removal of the current Roof Rat population, a trained rodent control professional will be able to offer sound advice on how to make sure your home isn’t overrun by these unwelcome house guests again.