Don’t Make These Mistakes When Setting a Mousetrap

Mice: the dreaded household pest! Not only do they spread disease and filth, sometimes it can seem like they’re everywhere. If you’ve seen small shavings of wood, shredded insulation or cardboard, or feces, it’s time to take action!

Mouse traps are a timeless and effective way to take care of problems with mice. The classic spring-loaded design used by Victor Mouse Traps has become almost universally pervasive, and has worked for centuries. There are different kinds of mousetraps, including electronic, catch-and-release, and glue traps, and all of them have unique advantages and disadvantages.

We’re focusing on how to set a spring-loaded mousetrap today, and we’d love to help you keep your home mouse-free!

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Setting a Mousetrap

Here are our best tips for catching mice using spring-loaded traps. A lot of these tips also work for electronic or catch-and-release traps as well!

  1. Not using gloves when setting the trap.
    • The easiest mistake to make when setting mousetraps is not wearing gloves.
    • Mice can smell humans, and they will avoid the traps if they smell you!
  2. Not using the right bait.
    • Contrary to popular opinion, some mice like cheese, and some don’t.
    • Use something protein and seed/nut based, like peanut butter or chocolate, to lure in mice.
  3. Using too much bait.
    • Use a small amount of bait that cannot be reached unless mice step on the trap. If they can swipe it without standing on the trap, they will!
  4. Starting with loaded traps.
    • It may seem counterintuitive, but start with unloaded traps (baited but not activated)!
    • Mice are extremely skeptical of new things–especially human things.
    • Set traps out with bait (without loading them) for a couple of nights. It lulls mice into a false sense of security.
  5. Starting with a few traps, and gradually adding more.
    • You will catch more mice on the first night of loaded traps than on any other night. Don’t skimp on the traps!
  6. Not using multiple traps.
    • This follows logically from the above tip, but you should continue to use multiple traps, two or three feet apart.
    • It might not be a pleasant thought, but if you have one mouse, you probably have more! Mice are prolific breeders.
    • By setting multiple traps, you have a better chance at catching as many as possible at once.
  7. Not setting them in the right place.
    • Mice travel along walls, under furniture, and generally any place that offers cover. They’re not typically scurrying across open spaces!
    • Place mouse traps along walls and behind furniture, with the bait placed nearest to the wall.
  8. Not checking traps.
    • Your mouse problem is not going to be gone overnight. It takes diligence to make sure traps are working, set, and not going to waste!
    • Mice can, in some instances, grab bait without setting off the trap. They can also set the trap off without getting caught!
    • If you leave a trap without bait or unloaded, it’s not doing its job.

How to Set a Mousetrap

We know–it’s a lot to take in! We’ll break it down in four easy steps:

  1. Wearing gloves, bait the traps with small amounts of peanut butter.
  2. Set a large number of traps out, with the bait facing the walls, for a couple of days– without setting the spring.
  3. On “the Big Night”, add fresh bait to the traps, and activate the trap spring.
  4. Check your traps!

Professional Mouse Control and Removal

If you’re overwhelmed or squeamish at the thought of doing all of this by yourself, give Rentokil a call. We’ll work with you to determine the best method for controlling the mice in your home, eliminating them and preventing them in the future!

6 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Mice this Winter

Temperatures inevitably drop during the winter months, causing mice to seek refuge from the cold and cozy up inside your home. Even if you think all the openings to your home are sealed, mice know how to wiggle their way inside, especially when threatened by freezing temperatures. While they may look harmless, mice can cause damage, possibly carry diseases, and even become a fire hazard, which is why it’s imperative to take action immediately.

When Natural Remedies are Useful in Keeping Mice Away

We know how stressful and surprising it is to experience a mouse sighting inside your house. Even more daunting is the thought of getting rid of it! While more serious infestations warrant seeking professional help, there are a number of natural home remedies that can assist in keeping mice out of your home. Home remedies are often favored in pest control because they are non-toxic, effective, and, in many cases, the more humane option. Keep reading to learn about the six natural ways to get rid of mice this winter!

Top 6 Ways to Rid of Mice Naturally

The following list describes six popular methods of using things lying around your home to prevent mice infestations during the winter.

  1. Peppermint Oil: Mice are known to not be big fans of peppermint. Apply peppermint oil drops to cotton balls and place them in entryways, kitchen cabinets, and any other suspected entry points. You can even try planting mint along the exterior of your home.
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar & Water: Spray this mixture around the perimeter of your house as well as in any access points inside. Make sure to re-apply the solution once a month.
  3. Fabric Softener Sheets: Mice can’t stand the smell of fabric softener. Stuffing these sheets in suspected entry points will not only keep mice at bay, but keep your home smelling fresh and clean!
  4. Steel Wool: This is a great option that has proven to be effective in keeping mice away, because they are unable to chew through the the tough material. Simply stick steel wool in any crevices or holes in your home, using a bit of silicone to keep it in place.
  5. Used Kitty Litter: It is well-known that cats are natural predators of mice, and any mouse will scamper away when they suspect a cat lives in the home. Place tubs of used kitty litter near suspected access points in your home.
  6. Instant Mashed Potatoes: This is a frugal option of getting rid of the mice in your home. Sprinkled instant potatoes will likely be ingested by the mice, who will not be able to tolerate or survive the expanding flakes in their stomach.

Naturally Preventing Mice During the Winter

Along with the methods listed above, there are several easy steps every homeowner can take to keep on top of controlling mice infestation in their home.

  • Regularly inspect your home to look for signs of mice.
  • Scope out any possible entry points and seal or close them off.
  • Always keep food sealed and securely stored; never leave it out.
  • Keep inside and outside areas tidy and free of exposed garbage.
  • Make sure any foliage or tree branches are at least three feet away from the foundation of your home.
  • During the colder months, keep birdseed to a minimum.

As always, make sure to call a professional if these natural home remedies do not work or if you need assistance. At Rentokil, we are dedicated to helping our customers stay pest-free during the winter and year-round!

10 Tips to Prevent Mice and Roof Rats Inside the Home

You might be thinking mice and rats aren’t really a problem in Southern Nevada. Unfortunately, rodents are a year-round pest problem here in Las Vegas and Henderson. Believe it or not, rodents are actually a very common problem in the fall and winter months. This is because as our temperatures drop, rodents and other pests will look to make their way indoors to wait out the colder months. To avoid dealing with rodents inside your property this time of year, keep reading to learn Western Exterminator’s tips to keep them away!

Rodents in the Winter

Rodents are sneaky critters and often only come out at night when the house is at rest. Once they make their way inside and establish nests, you will start to see activity or at least signs of mice (or possibly roof rats). These common pests are resourceful creatures that can enter a building or home through the smallest opening or crack, and require very little space to travel inside. Mice can easily fit through spaces as small as a nickel!

Rats are common winter pests in Las Vegas and Henderson NV - Western Exterminator of Las Vegas

Mice and roof rats seek shelter indoors, especially during winter months, and once inside can cause more than just an unpleasant infestation. Rodents put homes at risk for electrical fires by gnawing through wires. More frequently, though, rodents serve as vectors, carrying bacteria, such as salmonella, on their bodies and contaminating food sources, kitchen surfaces, and equipment. The common white-footed deer mouse is also known to transmit the potentially fatal Hantavirus.

Simple Rodent Prevention Tips

Fortunately, there are many ways you can proactively prevent and get rid of rodent infestations in your home. Our top ten tips to prevent rats and mice in the winter and all year long are as follows.

  1. Install door sweeps on exterior doors and repair damaged screens.
  2. Screen vents and openings to chimneys.
  3. Seal cracks and holes on the outside of the home, including areas where utilities and pipes enter the home, using caulk, steel wool, or a combination of both.
  4. Store food in airtight containers and dispose of garbage regularly.
  5. Keep attics, garages, and crawl spaces well ventilated and dry.
  6. Replace loose mortar and weather stripping around the foundation and windows.
  7. Eliminate all moisture sites, including leaking pipes and clogged drains that provide the perfect breeding site for pests.
  8. Inspect items such as boxes, grocery bags, and other packages brought into the home.
  9. Keep shrubbery trimmed and cut back from the house.
  10. If you suspect a pest infestation in your home, contact a licensed pest professional to inspect and treat the pest problem.

How to Get Rid of Rodents in Las Vegas

If you spot evidence of a rodent infestation, do not hesitate to act to handle the problem. Rodents are known to reproduce quickly, and a small problem can turn into a big issue overnight if left untreated. For this reason, it’s always best to enlist the help of a professional rodent control company. Contact the experts at Western Exterminator of Las Vegas to learn how we can protect you from rats and mice!

Avoid Pests: 5 Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring in Las Vegas is short lived and as the weather heats up, many insects and pests wake up from a winter’s nap and are ready to get busy finding food. If your Las Vegas or Henderson home proves to be a good source of food for foraging insects and rodents, they will gladly come invade your living space.

In order to prevent pests from getting into your home this spring, here are some indoor spring cleaning tips to keep your home pest free from the Las Vegas pest control professionals at Western Exterminator:

1. Secure Window Screens

Before opening up windows to let the spring breeze flow in, make sure that all windows are secured with screens that fit properly and have no holes. Windows are an easy way for small flying insects to gain entry, so you want to avoid the small holes and loose fitting screens before the windows go up. Also, make sure that if you are going to keep a door open for some extra air flow, you have a screen door to keep the pests out. Open doors are an open invitation for all size pests.

2. De-clutter Your Home

Clean out storage spaces such as the garage, attic, and outdoor sheds. These are perfect homes for pests any time of the year as they are less frequented by humans. Also, any stacks of newspapers or other items provide a great home for pests such as spiders, so you want to be sure that the clutter is gone.

3. Deep Clean Your Kitchen

A deep clean of your kitchen is another good tip to keep the pests out. If there are spills or open food, cockroaches, ants and rodents are likely to find their way into your home. Spend extra time to get rid of any build-up on areas such as under the fridge or stove, the sides of the stove, and in cupboards. It’s easy to let these hidden places be forgotten, but with any food build-up, the pests will try to take advantage.

4. Sanitize Food Surfaces

Make sure to sanitize and clean your food surfaces regularly to keep pests away. If cockroaches or rodents do happen to get into your home, they will leave counters and other food surfaces contaminated, so it is important that you are on top of keeping these places sanitized to protect yours and your family’s health.

5. Spruce Up The Yard.

Branches, leaves, weeds, and dead plants can attract pests. These areas provide a place for the pest to build a nest, and they might eventually come inside your home since the nests are near the building. Also, make sure to get rid of standing water in the yard, because the water could attract mosquitoes since they lay eggs in standing water.

By following these spring cleaning tips, you will be able to enjoy not only a squeaky clean home, but one that is free of any bugs or critters. Due to the amount of time we spend outside in the spring and with open doors and windows, it becomes very important to stay on top of the spring pest prevention measures.

If you tackle these 5 tips and bugs are still trying to take over your home this spring, contact the experts at Western Exterminator for highly effective residential pest control services designed to fit your home.

8 Tips for Pest Proofing Your Home For Winter

As the weather gets colder here in the Las Vegas and Henderson areas, people will want to spend more time indoors, and unfortunately, so will common pests and rodents. Insects such as cockroaches, spiders, and scorpions; and rodents like mice, and roof rats will seek shelter to survive the winter, and there’s nothing more inviting than a warm cozy home.

Keeping Pests Out Of Your Homecockroach exterminators las vegas nevada and henderson NV

Insects and rodents alike can introduce diseases and bacteria into your home, and can also cause a lot of damage. Understanding how to keep these pests out is the first step to ensuring a comfortable, pest free winter.

Below are 8 pest proofing tips to make sure that bugs and rodents stay out of your home this winter.

  1. Make sure needed ventilation points are screened off on the exterior of your home. Attic vents, foundation vents, roof soffits and other exterior entry points should be inspected to make sure they’re in good condition.
  2. Keep your garage and crawl space dry. Insects and rodents are attracted to places they know they can get water. Keeping these areas dry, and free from excessive humidity, will help to detract these unwanted pests.
  3. Seal up any cracks in siding, stucco, and piping. Using exterior grade silicon is a quick solution to stopping entry.
  4. Keep food preparation and storage areas clean and tidy. Leaving food and crumbs out is an invitation to pests like cockroaches, ants, and rodents. Keeping dry foods stored in airtight containers is also recommended.
  5. Inspect your windows and doors. Weather stripping, damaged window frames, and doors that don’t close correctly are all easy entry points to your home. Replace or repair window screens for an added level of protection.
  6. Keep landscaping materials and plants away from your house. Keeping trees, bushes and plants trimmed so they don’t touch your home is an easy and effective way to keep pests away. Trim tree branches back away from your roof. Don’t make it easy for rodents to access your roof.
  7. Don’t let pests hitch a ride into your home. Bringing in the holiday decorations from the garage or storage shed? Make sure pests don’t hitch a ride in storage containers, just one spider can spawn hundreds of babies.
  8. Don’t leave pet food outside, and keep bird feeders away from your house. Rodents love any food, so leaving these items outside is an open invitation to a never ending buffet.

Do It Yourself & Keep The Pests Out of Your Home

The above are a few ways you can protect your home from pests moving in this winter. A little work will help to keep the bugs and rodents out, and your family comfortable. However, if you do encounter a pest or rodent problem this winter, seeking the advice of an experienced pest control company can help you rid of these unwanted visitors.